Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Positive posturing

Current mood: awake
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Went to my MS yoga as I always do when I can, Monday afternoon. I've been going for about 3 years now. When somebody new joins our class, they have usually come because they are getting desperate to do something to make themselves feel better. We go around the room and introduce ourselves.
I always say the same thing. Yoga is the single most positive thing I have ever done for my MS. My posture has got progressively better over the past few years, Jennifer's classes are perfectly targeted to address the myriad of problems MS presents. And, its a really good laugh. You would think a room full of people facing the countdown clock of doom would be depressing, in fact the MS class is regarded at the Yoga centre as the most chilled out, positive class they have.
One of the most important things I have learned is not to settle until I have hit the best physical shape I can. Its very similar to how I feel about jokes. I edit until I feel I have the best structure I can find in a given moment. I never believe its finished, its the best I can do it for now. In Yoga I move until I reach a relaxed place, then take 4/5 3 part breaths and sink into the best relaxation I can do at that particular time.
I think that the feeling that nothing is ever finished, that life is a constant adjustment, might be the most important lesson I have ever learned. At least, its the most important lesson for now........

Currently reading:
If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor
By Bruce Campbell

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