Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I find I laugh harder.

Current mood:slowchewy mightylaughy
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Two things have changed recently, which have been an unexpected, very pleasant surprise. The unpleasant is that my MS is on the what the fuck is the weather doing? rollercoaster, which means planning what is going to happen in the day is a colossal waste of time.
One of the positives is that over the past few months, I have realised that I now chew my food properly, meaning I take my time and enjoy what I am eating. Does make me a pain in the arse to go to dinner with, as people are picking their afters while I'm slowly munching through me firsts..
The second thing is that I laugh deeper and more freely than I ever have before. The sound that comes out of me took a while to get used to. I don't know if before I was looking at the funny with a professional jaded eye, I know that now I enjoy laughing like I haven't done in years.
Speaking of which, if you get the chance watch the Frank Skinner live at the Birmingham NIA, his routine on jealousy is a masterclass in technique, much like Stewart Lee's routine on the vision of Jesus, or Burnsy's last shows conclusion.
Frank was on a winner from the start with me. If you come on to Container Drivers by the Fall, everything is going to be cool.

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