Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Deep breath, hold it. and relax

Current mood:Phelpsy! Phelpsy!
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Michael Phelps is still all over the news for his splifftastic photo op. i know for a fact at least half of the people condemning him have done a lot worse and provided very little positivity to justify their shithouse lives .
I can't stand hypocrites like this. Anyone who has ever had anything to do with the media knows its awash with drugs, with a bit of smoke being way down the list of the worst that we do. He's said sorry, now fuck off and leave him alone.
If he wants to really upset you, if I were him, I'd retire. Thats your medal sweep fucked. He could move to somewhere that isn't still mired in the shitty past of judging people for crap everybody does, swim for them, and insert the gold medals up your self-hating, retarded moralising arses.....
Currently watching:
Reefer Madness
Release date: 2002-07-30

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