Thursday, February 26, 2009

Behind you. No really, behind you.......

Current mood:boo
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I always knew I really liked horror films. My discovery of my new favourite cable channels has cemented this. On the free movies on demand channel is a channel called fearnet, where you can boot horror films 24/7. I have watched Saw 3, shit but ok, and just watched Prince of Darkness by John Carpenter, who along with George Romero and Wes Craven and for disturbing, David Cronenberg, seems to have a real grasp on what horror is supposed to do. The reason good horror is scary isn't gore, though this is fun, its because they have concrete abstract ideas, that you know are impossible, but look plausible.
The other channel is called chiller, which shows a lot of horror, but also runs the twilight zone and the not that gory, memory of college sub hitchcockian Freddy's Nightmares. I remember when this came out, fun, dumb, and weirdly watchable. When horror is done properly it is quite something. Usually its shit, but then so are most attempts at art.

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