Friday, October 3, 2014

Keening .

I was asleep. I was happy to be there. I don't remember the dream, but it felt like it was good, with no running whilst being chased involved. Then the keening started. Abbey had decided that if she was awake, I needed to be awake. I disagreed, and tried to settle back into whatever it was that she'd made me leave. I moved from the bed to the chair, reasoning that I was pitching some pyschological genius move, where the movement from up to down would cause immediate dog napping. No, it wouldn't. Keening continued. I got up and went downstairs reasoning,
"Well it must be nearly 6 am, right?"
It was in the same day, but some hours out. I now have a pooch who is wandering about, wondering whats happened to breakfast, confused, but with no keening. I can't see the win on either side for this one.

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