Sunday, October 19, 2014


Today is a little cold. According to the Farmer's Almanac winter is going to be a little later than we expect. but dire. Shit. I got to enjoy summer this year, having missed it, whacked out on anti-neuralgic nerve pain drugs last year. I was just getting into it.
Now is the time I always think we should live somewhere more temperate. I know everyone else loves the seasons, I fucking hate them. I know when winter kicks in, thats pretty much it for me until spring. When spring comes things will get odd, as the season changes, then it will settle down for a while. Hoorah?
Sod that, what I'm actually pissed off about  is that if the blood test I just did comes up badly, I'll have to stop doing the infusions, and transfer to tablets, which may or may not help. This is very different to the lead up to starting the infusions, when I was so scared of the death it would probably cause, if it went wrong. I really wanted to be on the tablets back then.
Funny thing is, having risked my life 27 times doing the drug, I've grown quite fond of it. The infusion suite is great, everybody's cool, and the Tysabri does its job. What I don't want, is to spend winter glaring at a bottle of pills I don't trust.
 Having said that, it does open my time up, as  I don't have to be in that room once a month, without fail. I can plan my holidays, without worrying about when I can leave, or when I have to come back. And the pills might work, when I have to transfer to them. Much better. As you were.

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