Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hell Oasis

I actually thought of the title of this blog a few days ago. I hadn't written anything all week, and this was the first thing I thought  of. Hell Oasis. I like it, its a bit odd. Have I been in hell for a week? No. My infusion ran out, and I  slept through most of it. Left the house a bit, where I always had a good time, including Friday in the infusion suite, where I saw blood spurt out of my arm as the nurse was trying to get a line in.
"Which vein did you hit?" I pondered, as the remarkably crimson red fled. Line fixed, a sample was taken, as my odds of total destruction are adjusted every three months. My dangerous drug of choice was then piped in for an hour, while I napped.
Drug in, I then started the hour of,
 "You're not going to drop dead, right?"
Went to the basket picked out some chocolate, got a coffee and sat down. Chatted to the women in the chair next to mine, who said,
"I knew it was MS, you're not supposed to go blind in one eye forever over night, are you?"
"I don't think so", was my somewhat worried response.
 Chipolte for dinner, which I really like, and I had a very relaxing evening, considering. Hell Oasis? Thats about right.

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