Saturday, July 12, 2014

Midwest Storm Warning.

Awake. Lightning is flashing every couple of seconds and the sky is growling in the distance. Outside the city, the storm is way more primal. All I could hear sitting at the back door,  was the storm gathering pace, and a toad, looking for somewhere safe to hide. The sky is lighting up a little less now, the storm has decided to move on, there is plenty of wide open farmland to play in. I never zsaw weather like this when I lived in England. Relentless, potentially lethal, and here, apparently.
Not out in the farmland at all, just outside where I am. I just saw lightning, strike the golf course.The thunder is getting louder, the rain intensifying, as the ground shakes. Not a night to be out camping.
My weather report.
"This one, best watched through a window, inside a grounded house."

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