Sunday, July 20, 2014

Jizz Rab.

Beth and Abbey have decamped to Illinois until Tuesday. I spent today watching films, a documentary that set my teeth on edge, Kidnapped by God, and enjoyed some of the ribs that we got from the Jazz Rib Fest on Friday night.
When we arrived at the festival it was late, and raining slightly. The main stage was pumping out cool modern jazz into the darkness. We walked a block and a half, top parking, on a meter no less, and walked into the rib corridor. The smell was unbelievable, everyone was wandering around very happy. It was so good, I've got the t-shirt.
This evenings rib dinner put me into a lovely food coma. I'm now up, more films? No more documentaries I hate, though it's very relaxing to heckle the witless on screen,  as they try and justify their bullshit.
Still thinking about my Nan, Beth sent me a lovely picture of her and I. I'm going back in August, I already decided to spend a few weeks, celebrate her, and to catch up with people I adore, that I don't see near  enough anymore.  And I did call it the Jizz Rab festival.

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