Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Today I find myself back at infusion station. The last few weeks have been a total hoot. I love going back to England, and spending time with people who I have known forever. Every time I go back I have a moment where I think, "We could come back here, right? " I can't see doing it right now, but it is a nice thought. The current mode of flying in, having loads of fun, and bouncing out before I irritate too many people is working just fine.
So, Infusion Station. Here I am a year ahead of the time that was predicted I could safely do the infusion, before things got really dangerous. I do not know how much longer this can carry on jacking in the dragon blood. I'm aware that I may have written this before. I'm also aware that the medical people, others with MS, everybody really, looks at me and wonders, "26 years with MS? Really? Thats not how it is supposed to go."
I know. I know exactly how it was supposed to go. I'm very happy to keep on getting it wrong.

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