Tuesday, July 14, 2015


We knew my dad's 70th birthday party was going to be on July 11th. British Airways did not get the memo, as they screwed up our flights, 3 times in a row. We got out of Columbus at 7am July 10th and landed in London at midnight. We arrived at my dad's at 1am.  and the party began setting up at 8am. The kid's part of the day started at 3 and the costume party started at 7pm. This should have been a nightmare. It was amazing.
Any party that starts kicking in at 8 am and I finish out with one of my best mates, chatting as the dawn breaks the following day, is a party indeed. It was a hoot.
I got to eat back in time. America does a lot of food fantastically well, but they cannot do a proper clotted cream jam scone. I was so pleased to get one, that I fact I bit into to it and ended up wearing it, didn't bother me at all. I saw it as a badge of honour. Yesterday we started out with sausage rolls, and ended on a curry, which America tries hard at, but misses.
The weather for the party was perfect, in fact it was a little confusing, Where's the rain? It had taken the day off, and has made up for its absence every hour since.
I'm so glad we made it back. I spent the day surrounded by friends and family, ate and drank as much as I could possibly take, and then got to sit under the marquee in the garden, chilling out for the next few days, whilst the rain came back to say hello.
Today we are off down the coast to stay at my mum's the next few days. Horror flight, great party and a  sojourn at the beach. Perfect. Nightmare flights more than a week away. Aah...

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