Thursday, July 30, 2015


Today is a little odd. Its always a little odd the day after my infusion, it takes a day or so for my blood to settle down. I know that sounds weird, but I can actually feel the change taking place, as the Tysabri soldiers line up, and prepare to repel the MS attack force for another month.  This infusion was my 36th. I consulted my twelve times table. 3 years, bugger me 3 years! I felt it more keenly as I had my blood drawn at the same time, to check if things had got a bit dicey, and the I would have to stop.
I felt like a wanderer in the pharmaceutical wilderness, a lone traveler, going to where most had never been. This lasted for 5 minutes, until I found out that there was someone else in the infusion suite whose count was 92. 92? fuck me, that's amazing!

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