Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Round up.

Its freezing, I'm waiting for an idiot, to insist this polar blast must mean global warming doesn't exist. Ah,
that didn't take long. Ignorant fools always bleat the loudest.
"What are you, a weatherman?"
"Nope, I just like to deal in facts."
 I have this horrible feeling that the earth is going to dust us out, leaving only climate change deniers and cockroaches. I'm pulling for the roaches. I can see the last human and a flipped roach dying hand and leg together. They seem to pass, then the cockroach flips herself back up,and beckons her brethren who were hidden. And it begins again. Thats as likely as all the other bollocks people pitch.
Coffee 2.
This week was a little weird. I hit the infusion suite Monday, having got a cab there. Drug was whacked in. While I dozed, I remembered how much I loved walking around London.  I realized I was smiling and chuckling to myself and drew it in. Best not to look too happy doing something that dangerous.
Infusion in, what now? I knew I could phone the cabbie who dropped me off, but I fancied a chinese. Phoned my friend Yury, who dug out his car, and we drove around Gahanna looking for a good chinese.  Found an excellent one, Joy Food One. I know it sounds like it might be dodgy, but its great! Back home, watched films with Yury until I passed out. This happens after every infusion, everything is going great, then I wake up the next day. Woke up in an empty house. Yury was cool, and let me hit the coma button undisturbed.
The day after an infusion is weird,  as my blood spends it settling into a new defense formation. What to do? Peaky Blinders, a fantastic series from England. The first two series are on Netflix, I can heartily recommend them.
Today? Dunno. MS versus cold is always shit, but the house is nice and warm, and Beth and Abbey are coming back from Illinois today. Ah, better clear up..

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