Thursday, November 6, 2014


 I stopped writing . Why? Because this is the time of year that everyone with MS hates, the move to winter. Once in, and its cold all the time, its a lot easier to deal with. The uncertainty of the day plays havoc with my MS, it doesn't know whether to hit the maximum fatigue button, cripple everything, or just reduce everything to dust. To be on the safe aide, it comes after everything. These weeks are difficult, as they are the time where despair can find a nice comfy spot to settle in.  Winter is always this bad, and living in Hawaii, seems like  a much smarter move.
What about England? Its much worse during the Winter, due to the damp, the Spring, due to the damp, Summer, when its too hot, or damp, and Autumn. Actually Autumn and Spring do have some nice days, just not enough.
Ok, whinging over. On the positive side, I did manage to catch Detectorists, which is a great new show on in England. Its fantastic in that quiet English way, where the awful merges from a sad smile. Its written, directed and starring someone I know, Mackenzie. I don't know if it will come to America, but its well worth watching if it does. Also, look out for This is England 86 and 88, much harder hitting, but is excellent.
"Did you spend these terrible weeks watching the telly?"
"Of course not. I scoured the web for new programs too. I streamed a lot of English radio. I like my terrible news delivered in a quiet, measured tone, and the music programmes are better."
I now get to hit the reset, and figure out what to do next. And despair? Can get fucked.

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