Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Modern Cannon fodder.

Current mood: cheerful
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Fritz, of the sham-wow advert is going on trial for an altercation with a prostitute in Florida. A horrifying 20 minutes. "cos he can't do this all day," and vague allusions which suggest she may have changed his religion.
Fritz, destined to go over the edge. Modern cannon fodder, pushed to the front so we don't get bored
The tea party thing is a shit idea. I mean really shit.
Glenn beck is on the Sham wow path. When he self-immolates that will be some show, replete with tears.
Does no one in America know what tea bagging means?
News people skonking on about tea bagging. Hilarious.
Currently watching:
Sleepaway Camp III - Teenage Wasteland
Release date: 2002-08-20

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