Sunday, January 12, 2014


I fall over, quite a bit. My most recent was walking to top notch pit seats on Friday to watch We Will Rock You, the Queen musical. If you had read pretty much any review, you would be expecting a horror show of gargantuan proportions. The first song does not help, and made me wonder when the boat was docking, so we could have a wander on the beach. Cruise-tastic. I sat and thought, oh no, its going to be shit. Then, the second song started. The girl playing Scaramouche knocked the crap out of  Somebody To Love. She tore it to pieces. My mistake, this is going to be great. It was. The story, rubbish. The acting, outside of Scaramouche,? Bless. Was it entertaining? You bet your hat! Did I spend the next two and a bit hours grinning? Yep. Would I go see it again? Not right now, but I understand why its been running in London for 12 years.
The fall. I walked too quickly towards my seat, didn't see the raised tape over the cables, narrowly missed taking out a woman and her walker, crashed into the stage, nearly took out the foldback speaker on the stage.. In front of everyone. I got up quickly, briefly considered bowing, and made my way to my chair. Did it hurt? A bit. Acting is not  an option. unless you have a play I can sit down through.
I don't know if its still on, but the Queen musical is a ton of fun, unless you don't like Queen, in which case, walk away.

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