Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What goes around...

I am not a hoarder, but I am a fantastic forgetter. I often find myself looking at things that I hadn't seen for years whilst muttering,
"Wow. Why did i stop using these?" I used to have an awful lot of books, DVD's and CD's. This changed when music, film and writing went digital. All of a sudden I could have whatever I liked whenever I wanted. Why get physical things when I could get everything, whilst taking up little to no space? Phones were small, the smaller the better. Then, time went on, and it slowly dawned on me that I like books, DVD's and CD's.
The reason I went to the kindle is that I couldn't physically hold a book for any length of time, or read very well as my MS roamed around, shutting things down at will. It was awful, as I have always been a voracious reader. I'd moved to listening to books on tape, and then the Kindle turned up.
"Its light, you can store hundreds of books, and you can increase the text size? What kind of black magic witchery is this?!" I went back to reading, score. But now, my  MS is now being held back, my eyes are doing a lot better, and my hands can hold the books. I use my kindle for English newspapers, and some books, but I much prefer holding a book.
I like streaming films and TV, but I do order DVD's from England that will never come over here like Detectorists, and I look out for special box sets from companies like Criterion.
Music: I like streaming using Amazon prime, but I want to get a CD player so I can play all my old CD's, where the sound is less compressed. Of course vinyl is the warmest, but I don't have a record player, or any patience.

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