Wednesday, June 5, 2013

MS Treats.

Yesterday, I went for my monthly infusion with a slight worry in mind. 3 days ago I picked up sweeping nerve pain, across my face, neck and head. I was worried that this spelled out the end game for Tysabri. I was wrong. Its just just another MS treat I hadn't come across before. Its difficult to say just how painful sweeping nerve pain is. It goes everywhere, people have teeth pulled,convinced that must be the problem. That did occur to me. Wrong. Its just shit. Some think its a stroke. Wrong. See previous answer. You can get drugs to sort it out. True, though they take a little time. Its so bad,when they couldn't treat it, people thought of suicide. True. Now I know what I'm up against I can get through it. True. Don't like it at all, but its manageable. I can feel it right now? True.

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