Thursday, June 6, 2013

3D Nerve Attack

4:26am. Raining. Up. The drugs I'm taking to back off the nerve attack are working. I was hoping for a total cessation, but I knew that it was going to take longer. I still have the the shots across my neck, head, teeth and such, I now have better control over them. The drugs have fucked up my walking and put me into a trippy state, where I know what's going on, I just don't care so much. I can feel the attacks as I type, they are a less scary now that I know they don't spell imminent death. Annoying really, a fly that will not leave your sandwich alone, with a nerve pain kicker. Today? On with the the drugs, trip out the nerve pain with the light fantastic. The title of this blog inspired by the spectrum game, 3D Ant Attack. Which wasn't really in 3D, but great anyway.

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