Sunday, March 31, 2013

Smart Things To Do.

I've made plenty of mistakes, some of them fixable, some perpetually pending. There are certain things I've done I feel have proved to be right.
Music; My Grandad taught me love of music when I was tiny. I started playing guitar when I was five. I've never regretted either of these.
Reading; My dad had us reading aloud to him very early. Love of reading, never regretted that.
Colour Blind; I was brought up to accept everyone. very cool.
Travel; I was brought up to be comfortable with being with not knowing and learning..
Education; Mum and Dad were very specific. go to university! LSE Years down the line I know realise how important that was.
Do what you want; Once my Dad saw me in front of hundreds of disgruntled audience members at my 8th ever gig he said, "If you can take that, do what you want." I did. MS dictated I do otherwise. I've never regretted not walking/limping away when I should have.
Marrying Beth; The single smartest thing I've ever done.
Moving to America; worked out just fine.

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