Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yoga monday

So I'm blogging early tuesday morning, Snakes on a Plane rattling away on HBO in the background. This film is like The Chronicles of Riddick in that I know rationally its shit, but if its on, I sit and watch it. There's loads of films like that, rubbish but compelling. Like going out with someone who you know is crap but for some reason (usually sex) you stay in there. I'm not saying crap films work on a primal sex level, or am I? When I first moved to America Miss congeniality was on HBO about 10 times a day. I think I watched it every time....
 Monday was MS Yoga day. If you don't know me, I've had MS for about 16 years. Yoga is the single best thing I ever did for it. I saw my neurologist (people who train for years to charge top money to look you confidently in the eye and state "haven't got a clue whats going on mate. Good luck.") in London and he said that I was doing better than most anybody he'd ever seen who'd had MS as long as I have. I then said, but my health regime has been smoking,drinking and fucking. He said, "well you'll probably die of the smoking then...."

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