Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Wii party....

Sunday afternoon. Sit and watch a game. Eat rubbish and look forward to the dentist fixing my chocolate ravaged left hand side teeth in february. (did the right a couple of weeks ago. 4 in one go. Great job but a bit like picking a fight I shouldn't have). The dentist always gives advice about being careful about what I eat. Decay is lurking. One life to live my friend. You keep fixing them, I'll keep eating the sweets.
Anyway the Wii party. If you haven't done it yet, do! I spent from 2 until 4 with a permanent grin trying to pretend I was of a generation that understood how to play. Word of advice , don't play a ten year old  girl at the boxing. They are lethal and have no conscience. Your ego will be delivered to you in a small box marked old.
 The party was at Beth's bosses' house. Great food and an afternoon meeting people I really liked. I asked her "Why haven't I met these people before? They're exactly the sort of people I like to be around." Maybe she was saving them as a treat.
When the price comes down get one. And if anyone at nintendo is reading this. free advertising man, send me a wii and a few games, happy days all round.

1 comment:

matilda said...

I see then. So tetrus with us working class lot is out then is it?