Thursday, February 23, 2017

Easy Street.

I’m writing now, quite drunk, attempting to sober up. Having spent four days in the house, talking to few and doing less, I found myself at the end of days, at the last Wine Wednesday at Easy Street, which is due to shut forever this Saturday. You could feel the fade, few of the wines were available, though the one we got was excellent. The food was great, and the atmosphere was amazing. The bar was absolutely packed, which is a lot different to how it has been in the last few months. Iif the bar had been running like this, it would not be closing. 
It was  amazing to be a witness too the end of times. I could feel the bars last throes playing out around me. it didn’t  matter how great the room was, or how hard that everyone  played, it was over.
We'll be back on Saturday, for the last brunch.

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