Monday, May 16, 2016

Abbey x

Beth is down in Illinois, so I'm on my own in the house. I was dreading this, as the house is far too quiet since Abbey's death. Abbey's passing was totally unexpected, we thought she had hurt her back, and that we were going to the vet to get some dog aspirin. Then we found out that she was a lot sicker than she looked, one of the last images of her that I remember was her padding happily into the vets.
Everything  turned awful very quickly, and she passed away with Beth and I holding her as she died, We didn't have to put her down, she was just done. She was an amazing pooch, loving, with her own way of doing things. she was the reason that I was up every morning, at the time she felt her breakfast should be served. One of the horrors of MS is how much time that you have to spend alone, as the world moves on without you. Abbey made every day easier for me, no matter how difficult ieverything was. Thank you  so much Abbey, you rest now, good girl x

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