Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Princess Diana tribute - 2

Right. Living in Hampstead, the snotty hooker next door, rumbled by the Evening Standard. Got my food, cab back from Waterloo.
I took a cab to Waterloo once, where a dispatch rider spat through the window at the cab driver, after the cabbie cut him up on the roundabout. The cabbie's response? Drove him off the road, jumped out the cab, stood over the prone cyclist, explaining to him what a dead cunt he truly was. Wiped the spit on the now terrified cyclists jersey, and hopped back in the cab.
"Sorry about that mate. Waterloo, right?"
"Yeah, thanks," I mumbled looking back through the window to check the cyclist was still moving.
"I hate cunts like that," he said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder, towards the scene of battle won.
"Yeah," I said. This was in the afternoon, broad daylight. It did seem to have got darker...
So, I was in my front room with my Burger King, chilling out from the gig. Wacthing WWE, always nice to see someone pitching while you are relaxing.
For some reason I turned on BBC 2. This was in the days before the 24 hour news cycle, they'd sent out someone to rport on Diana. Whoever it was looked terrified, I think it may have been the continuity annoucer. They had just started using the news crawl, so while he stumbled the report out as best he could, he was in direct competition with the crawl running beneath him.
He said, "We have news that Princess Diana has been badly injured."
The crawl read - Princess Diana Dead.
That's pretty badly injured I thought.

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