Friday, March 25, 2011


Its  interesting watching things come and go. The death spiral of Myspace made me think of it. I really used to like Myspace. It was a little clunky, but it did what it said on the tin. When I was blogging a lot, during the beginning of last year, I'd punt something up, Twitter  and Facebook it, and watch to see who read it. Myspace got gradually less and less easy to use. Like everyone else who used it, I presumed it was a glitch they'd sort out and waited for the fix. It got worse.
A lot of the changes, which were there to fight fight off Facebook failed, and made the site difficult and fairly unusable. Its a shame, I liked the site a lot. Makes me wonder how long Facebook's narcissism can keep it afloat. I know right now it looks like it will be around forever, as does Twitter. Turns out we are a super-fickle bunch, always looking for the next best thing. That's why we love our Ipods, despite the fact the best quality music we've ever had was on vinyl. Ipod's are easy and we can listen to whatever we like, quickly. and whenever we want.
I think it was always this way, but we used to accept we had to wait, which made things somehow more valuable. Now we can get whatever we want and pay for it later. Economies of the world in the tank? Who cares, whack it on the card, we'll deal with it later. Waiting and thinking us actually not a bad idea.
I'm guilty of everything I've just decried. That's why I love the fact that Beth is so in love with gardening. I watch her prepare the soil, nurture the seeds, keep an eye on how things are going, and wait.
sometimes it doesn't work, the weather changes its mind, the squirrels are hungry, we go away for too long and come back to a sorry field of nearlys.
When it works, which is more often than not, its the best food you'll eat all year.
So bye bye Myspace, you took what you did really well and let someone new panic you into the abyss. Thinking and waiting would have served you a lot better.

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