Sunday, January 30, 2011

That was a week.

Beth left for Chicago last weekend.  Her and her Dad are up there while her mum is in hospital. She's doing a lot better today, a slow recovery is what's needed.
This left me in charge of Abbey and our neighbours dog Rudy for a week. They are great dogs,no trouble at all. Just as well as I spent the week in an MS winter coma. I didn't leave the house until Saturday, pushed out the door to go to an MS yoga class by the realization I had been watching Netflix for way too long. When you find yourself in front of Buck Rogers wondering if it and the old Battlestar Galactica used the same sets, its time to leave the house. Yoga was great. Very helpful as my new flexitarian diet thing took a bit of a tank when Yury came to my house thursday bearing donuts and a bottle of Kroger cherry cola.
Today, went for breakfast with John Feather who I hadn't seen for ages. It was somewhat epic as we extended breakfast until the looks and growing queue drove us out the door. We then started walking, both under the impression we were following the other one. Nice walk, wrong way.
Got home, Fran and Paul came to get Rudy. Went over to their house and had a very nice dinner and a lot of gin. Home now a little saner having seen actual humans and left the house. MS is shit, but it is quite funny.

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