Thursday, October 8, 2009

Out and about


Current mood:  tired
Today, Beth and I went south out of columbus. Just drove looking for farmers markets. Found somewhere which proclaimed itself Amish, turned out to be ropey old tat. Kept going ended up in a town called Mount Sterling. I think it was a town and I think it exists, sort of place you approach out of a fog.
Drove past a place which announced it was open and not much else. We figured i"Probably does lunch" and went in. It was a really cool place, the food was great and the open brick walls gave a clue as to its name, the Brickhouse. Back on the road, ended up in a slightly worrying pumpkin selling place. Bloke was nice, but a bit twitchy in that wear your head as a hat kind of way. Got pumpkins to make pies with, left wearing our own skin. Result all round.
Then went to the North market in Columbus where I unwisely tried popcorn which advertised itself as ultra hot. It was not kidding.  To cool my lavad throat down tried and then bought Thai ice cream from Jeni's. It is fantastic, and I swear the after taste is as if you have just had some Pad Thai. One of the great things about living here is the amazing foods that are knocking about. And the pumpkins. And the skin walker.

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