Thursday, October 10, 2013


The last time I wrote anything was July 26th. This was ages ago. I could tell you I was going through try neuralgic nerve pain until early September, which I actually called try-veginal nerve pain much to the amusement of my doctors. Doctors. Bless 'em thats all I seem to have done, apart from dealing with health insurance vultures.
so, a year or two when my MS decided to assert itself in the primary. July thru October. As dates go, crap. I finally looked on Google plus which had changed, not a myspace swan dive, more of a desperate shuffle to bring in the kids. Bless. Right, health crap, brain re-engaged. If I can't walk I may as well sit and write about something or other. I can walk though it is a bit shite.
 I've done more than I'm giving myself credit for. Last thing Radiolab, which was great, parties, a holiday that I think was really nice, though I was in a drug induced haze and remember little about it.  Lots of lunches and dinners and following the no alcohol space drugs for the nerve pain,  some drinking.
When a life long illness decides to take you out for a bit, it doesn't mean a nice stroll in the park. This is the point where I have to decide if being ill is enough. It isn't. Tried focusing on that, boring and dangerous. I don't know whats coming next, I think it'll be fun.

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