Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nune 7th

June 7th Lunch with John Feather, who I had not seen for ages. It was really cool to see him. We ate and then came back to the house too sit in the garden and play with Abbey.
Seeing John was one of the most normal things I've done for weeks, I've spent way too much time on my own wondering what's coming next.
Spoke to Sally this week, about her book and said to her that I don't think I can perform again. Truth is this nightmare may pass and I could perform, but I'll end up in the same place I'm in now without getting to work done I wanted.
Ah sod it !This blog is looking be the most self concerned load of old cack ever. Truth is my MS a as bad as its been in the past. I the past I hid in my flat for 3 months got jacked up on steroids, saw few people and waited to get better again. I'm married now so hiding is not an option, feeling guilty, being a twat and nigh on impossible live with whilst cripping out are the new things. Oh yeah and the American for profit health system. Dogshit!!! I ignored what was going on and prayed it would get better, very American prays are freeish, unless you believe the bullshit on the telly and 700 club your worldly goods.
My solution is to write and be as brittle as I like. If you don't like it please feel free to fuck off.
As my wife just pointed out I always feel like the world is coming after me, which it isn't. Or maybe it is. She is a mystery with a white gloss paintbrush, which I may never solve.

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