Sunday, April 14, 2013


This early morning, the World Service is riven with stories about perception. It started with a scientist who has put up his impression of what the big bang sounded like. For me, this is a take by a big fan of Rush and King Crimson, who dreams of the moog coming back and taking the music world by storm. His take was influenced by an eleven year old wanting to know how it sounded. Is this any more ridiculous than everyone feeling their way through life using a series of books no one can agree on?
Next up, Prozac. Like any drug, has a definite downside, but can be useful. A lady in her 60's felt it was a drug that should really be used when you are over 55, and that prescribing it to kids was a no no. I was offered Prozac when I was diagnosed with MS. "That's depressing Si, you fancy chilling that out?" was the considered medical response. At the time I said no and I refused all drugs pertaining to MS for 2 decades. Stupid, but I did let research get on a lick while I limped my way through. I now take a drug with a risk factor of death and I'm happy to do it, it really helps and I now feel the risk is worth taking. If I'm injured Percocet is similar, I know its a 3 day turn around or I'm looking at doom but its really good, nicely trippy and does the job. For me all drugs are the same, I assess the risk against the use and go from there. I know I'm lucky, in that I can pick and choose when to start and end.
Age. the actress who tried to sue to the IMDB for putting her real age on the website. She feels it has stopped her being considered for work. She's right. LA is that shallow, you have to look at risk and fairness versus the potential benefit. Stage work is a lot fairer in that your ability to do the job is more relevant, though not always... Comedy is even more merit based, either you can do it, or you can't. Though again t,here are exceptions.
The more money that you get paid, the more deserving you are presumed to be, even if the one paying doesn't really understand why.
Brian Eno soundtracked the Big Bang????

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