Thursday, April 4, 2013


I'm not asleep. I'm not awake. I'm in the zone of blood change tripping. It makes the move from recumbent to upright seem very necessary. Once up the question of "Why did you do that?" starts to echo quietly in the back of my mind. I try to come up with the reason I am now here. I must of wanted to do something and found it important enough to provoke movement.
Got it. I've got an MRI tomorrow night so the can measure whether the level of lesions and scarring across my brain and spine. I know its quite high, has been for years. I have a brain and spine so covered in scars and lesions my previous MRI reads like the puzzle out of Hellraiser. They don't really understand how I'm doing it. If I read the code properly I have over a hundred scars and active lesions which should read as extremely bad indeed. There are some who only have a few lesions, who are in a lot worse state than I am. I don't think they get it. I'll stick with confusion.
My new MRI, fun in the coffin, takes place tomorrow evening. Into the spooky out into the dark. Didn't really think that through.

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