Monday, December 22, 2008

Fa La La La La

A lovely end to the Xmas gig run.

Last night, opened for Pale Imitations (no question the best Imrov troupe in the city) dropped into some games and had a whale of a time with the over-sold out crowd. Field recorded it on my Zoom H2 (invaluable for recording gigs) and am gonna put up some of the audio on, when I work out how to do it.
The two things I really want to put up are the version of my song Burning Orphanage, where the imitations come in inthe second verse, and the improvised carol we did which sounds amazing. Most of these folks come from a music theatre background, so there's top harmonising and shit all over the show.
Came back had a small do at the house after the gig. Unfortunately Earl, one of the troupe got taken very ill. Hope he's OK Waiting to find out.
Chilled day today, actually its freezing. Cardigan, soup, slippers, couch. lovely.

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