Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weeks End.

Having spent most of the last week loaded on NyQuil fighting against a flu that doesn't realize that the party is over and its time to go, I think its finally beginning to put its coat on. Its still looking around, listening to the tunes that I ran past it, but it finally seems to have copped to the fact that it is no longer welcome. I had the Flu shot. for the first time ever! Nothing. I know some would say, 
"Imagine how much worse it would have been with out it?"
I don't think that could have been any more trippy to be honest, short of an actual Dragon turning up. Haze now lifting, real world slowly coming back into view. Its still Winter? Bollocks.


Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! The flu jab doesn't always work. Looks like they got the strain wrong for this year's one ☹.

dowdy said...

I know. This was the first time I'd ever had one! The flu is backing off now…..