Monday, July 14, 2014

Handy. Really? Well...

A toilet has one very specific, incredibly useful job. It is the bouncer, that lets last nights dinner know it's time to leave.
"Now, we've all had a good night. Let's not have any trouble."
The nightmare is being in someone else's house, and realizing too late, that this particular toilet is in a snit. The debris remains.
"This is going nowhere. Can't wait to meet everybody."
Cue Dowd DIY, which entails taking the lid off, and fishing around hoping for the best. I thought I broke everything, at least twice. Debris remains.
"Where is everyone, I can't wait to see you explain this shit."
Dowd DIY continues.
And then, resolution, everything back to normal.
Wow. I genuinely didn't see that coming. Nor did the porcelain throne, which flushed in a huff.
"Hmm. Ok, you got me."
Handy? Really? No. Really lucky? Yes.

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