Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sit still.

I half read this article yesterday, I just finished it. It is about the unearned standing ovation. The article talks of the unwelcome canker, spreading from across the sea, infecting the London theatre. Good or bad, people are standing and cheering at the end of performances. The article sees it as as a form of narcissism, the plaintive howl of the selfie generation.
 I agree. How can you discern between good, bad, and amazing, if you  mindlessly stand and cheer everything? Having lived here for over a decade, I realise this is super English, and I need to relax a bit. Actually, no. I don't like audiences standing up for comics before they've done anything, I can't stand and cheer for something, just because. However, put The Pixies on….all bets are off.

The Often Early Morning.

I spent yesterday mainly unconscious. I have vague memories of things happening, of them all being good, then nothing, until  I came round again. MS fatigue is difficult to explain, in that no one can believe it can possibly be that bad. It isn't as bad as you think. Its worse. When it sweeps in, you are gone, until it decides to let go.
It means that I find myself up really early, often. It also means that I get to listen to Radio 6's morning shows. What's 8 am for them is 3am for me. I get to listen to tunes old and new every morning, all of which I like, some of which I love. When the coffee kicks in I move over to Radio 4 or 5, so that I know what's going on in the world.
MS might wipe me out at will,wake me as the world around me sleeps, but it also lets me stay in touch with the home I left . Unpreventable coma storms aside, that's a win, right?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fun with a side order of Awful.

Beth and I went to see Eddie Izzard last night with Stewart. It started with a top notch light show and the crowd went nuts. It built from there, for 2 and a half hours. If you get the chance, go and see him, Having done stand up for a job, I can see the techniques. It doesn't matter, amazing.
 That was great, then MS decided to join in, and stripped my legs away. Bollocks. I spent the second half watching from the back. I knew I couldn't walk back to my seat without tanking it, and elected to watch from afar. Walking is still horseshit this morning, I think its because it got a lot hotter over the week. That, or I'm doomed. I'm going to go with weather. Does mean that the weekend is dusted, in fact everything is out, until my infusion next Thursday. Maybe I'll read a book. Or watch The Hobbit again.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

MS Weather Report.

Nice and hot, the sort of weather that everyone is happy to see, following a difficult winter, that stuck around like the last uninvited guest at the party, sitting, softly sobbing, slurping the last of your booze. Now is the time to walk outside and enjoy the air. MS is a little different. I like the sun, I would like to walk around. This is the second attempt to write a short missive, as I have spent most of today drifting in and out of unconsciousness. Hopefully I'm nearly adjusted, Eddie Izzard this evening.

Birthday Pooch.

Today is Abbey's birthday she is 8. I've had a dog 8 years. Having never owned a pooch before, after a really steep learning curve / hill / out of control WTF! bus, I am so happy we have her here. She's really sweet, somewhat peppy, but very friendly. She has a bark that makes anyone outside of our fence think we have a bull mastiff guarding our house. If they looked over the fence they would see a happy golden retriever,  furiously wagging her tail, wanting to play. She gets me up everyday around 6am. It doesn't matter what I was doing last night, she's hungry, right now!
Good girl. We've played in the garden, you've eaten, any chance of a snooze?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Told ya

We said the drugs could kill you, we said you can't point out our illegal snooping. We said any number of things, that all add up to bullshit. Why do our lies fly? They are borne above by the vast amount of money being wafted under them. Until the bullshit reaches a weight that no amount of money can bear, and the truth seeps in.
"Sorry to be so late, but at least I turned up."
This written as the Today program pointed out how dangerously sugary some yoghurts are, whilst I was eating my breakfast. Fortunately I took the greek yoghurt route. Eat at will, I think.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Stoic Sky.

Coffee in, dog fed, sky waiting to pour like a bath. Having had such a nice day yesterday, Ohio likes to balance things out, with a reminder of how close the cross between good and bad is. I'm fine with living deluded, with never ending glorious days, not too hot, not too wet, just perfect, with a nice breeze. This covers 2 or 3 days a year here, I'll look forward to them.
I'm not complaining, the 2 or 3 are top weather days. The all over the place of the rest of the year leaves room to grow top vegetables. Great food, and always prepared for whatever weather comes. Though, I'd still like to live beside the seaside. Hawaii would be nice.

Monday, May 26, 2014


Lounged my Monday away, until Abbey woof bleated me out into the garden. Smart move, nice one girl. Came back in, played guitar for an hour and pondered whether i should return to the film highlight I'd left behind, Detention of the Dead.
Spoiler alert, i think the spod in the specs and the cute kooky goth girl survive, then get together at the end. I know i should do something more useful, but I really want to know now. It can't get any crapper, right?

Lie Larger

There are the small lies you get caught telling, "I wasn't there, I don't know who she / he is..," and the huge lies everyone seems prepared to live with. Wars started for bullshit reasons, drug companies who have a budget, for when the drugs they punt kill at will, car makers who forget to tell you that their product is shit and lethal and of course religions, who preach peace, whilst bathing themselves in the blood of the innocent.
 What does this mean? How can we cope? Hmm.If you're going to lie, make it a corker?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday, Sunday.

Dog fed, coffee in, greek yoghurt, (how its spelled) and cereal awaits. The day looks like its going to be nice, a little nippy to start, flowering into a good time. I know, "We've all had dates like that one."
I wake up every day with the most horrendous phrases going through my mind. I think its the struggle to wake up. No it isn't, its always been that way. Today's was one I don't even want to write down. Bet you want to know now, right? Here's the edited version:

"Live like a c*nt  Die like a c*nt ."

To be honest, i don't think the edit helps that much.

They say the space in music is just as important as the notes you put in. I agree, and I also think putting space in phrasing is as important, to give the reader / listener room to make up their own mind. That's why I tend to leave the first thing that crosses my mind in the morning alone. Fun though.

My Velveteen

Today, having played guitar and messed with the looper for a while, was mainly unconscious. Does that mean it was a bust? Not at all. I slept harder than I have for months. I even dreamt, which is unusual for me. Am i going to bore you with my dreams? No. can't remember it, I do know I was having a lot of fun. I then heard a voice calling me back. It was Beth, who had just walked in, and couldn't believe I'd been passed out on the couch all afternoon. We then had Tilapia, and I enjoyed the sun I'd been missing.
Am i up for the night? Probably not, though I woke up with a load of ideas for a show. I'm trying to work out how I can do it, without tanking my health again. I'll get it. Friendly Fascist Alpha must live! Or not….

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sun or fun?

Having faded, passed out early last night, I'm up. I'm nowCoffee'd to the tits, listening to Danny Baker and ready for a day thats very surprised to see me. Abbey is not that shocked, and lies on the top of the cushions on the couch, waiting for the clank of her food bowl, before she even thinks about moving.
The weather today is supposed to be nice, i'm planning on doing very little except drinking vitamin D in and lounging in the garden, maybe.
 Its a maybe as I'll also be learning how to use the effects pedal I got this week. Its a looper, chances are I'll end up in the bedroom, playing for hours, building a studio tan. I've also want to record and post some of the songs I've been polishing over the last few weeks. I started playing guitar a lot, a month ago, turns out that practice is really helpful.
The pallor of the closeted musician or a nice healthy glow? I'd bet on the tunes.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Roast Beef Coma.

I had a really nice roast beef and smoked cheddar cheese sandwich for lunch.That's the last thing I remember. The roast beef was from Thurns, a fantastic butcher, just down the road from us. Ultra rare, delicious, and wrapped in sleeping draft.
 Great nap. Did anything happen? Find any planes? Boats? Any people who've been living with horrible old pervs for 10 years or so? If you want to shock me, tell me how nice everything is, how every things going to be alright. No money in that, right?  Tragedy, murder and mayhem it is then.

How My Morning Starts.

I've been up for a few hours, having been woken by a now very confused dog.  She is wondering what happened to her food. 6am Abbey, I've been telling you for months. Here's a toy, don't wake Beth up.

The coffee hasn't kicked in hard enough to deal with the newspapers yet, so I've spent the last couple of hours searching the net for tunes old and new. I am totally addicted to words and music. Pre internet fusion I'd sit in front of my stereo for hours, building sets from my cps until i felt I'd resolved the first tune to the last. Could take two or three tracks, could take all morning.
.I'm listening to radio 6 as I type,  waiting for the track that will send me mining youtube to come up. Coffee doing its best, tunes ahoy!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sleep, Wake!

I fell asleep / coma'd out after dinner last night. I now awake. It is 1:40am. I have no chance of getting back to sleep, so I am sitting listening to radio 6, whilst reading the papers, New York times and The Telegraph on my kindle.
Today will be bad with a large side order of good. First thing up, another filling, at 11am. Never tell your dentist, "I'll keep eating the sweets, you keep fixing them."This does not work out well, at all. Does it stop me eating sweets? Well, that horse has fled. In for a penny, and so on.
Good. My looper is going to delivered today. A looper is a sampler which is excellent to use in live performance. I'm really looking forward to learning how to use it, then take some sort of show, somewhere.
Afternoon. Nap.
Evening, more good, as I'm going to an improv drop in. Should be a great laugh, as long as I'm basically awake for it. Actually, it might be funnier if I have no idea whats going on.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The squeak of brakes on the road outside my house acts a city tide, washing cars back and forth. telling me what's going on. Every now and then the cars break left and right as the sirens come howling, on their way to whatever disaster has occurred elsewhere. Weirdly comforting, though I'd prefer to be by the sea.


There are tunes that stay with you, make you nod and smile every time you hear them. When  Fools Gold kicks in, or pretty much any Pixies song starts, I automatically relax. I'm lucky, i have hundreds of tunes that make my day better. There are some lyrics that have the same effect. I've always loved the moment in Cypress Hill' s Lick A Shot when they say,
"You better call your back up team."
There are lots of nice lyrics I love too, but this one, I kind of adore. Up there with the Happy Mondays Wrote For Luck, which I still think is one of the best lyrics ever written.
I really like Shakespeare as well, Falstaff in Henry IV Part two, the best audition monologue I ever did. I like when people are pushing, the words almost getting away from them, then wrested into shape.
The film is alright, but the title Towers Open Fire is magnificent.
Coffee right?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Zen and The Art of Pitch Black Yoga.

Yesterday I did Yoga for MS which, as ever, was amazing. I've been going to Yoga on High for the Monday classes, not all of them, I'm somewhat of an errant student, for the past 5/6 years. Could be longer to be honest. What I do know is that this class is the single most positive thing I ever did for my MS.
Everyone in the class is fucked to one degree or another, you wouldn't walk/limp into the class otherwise. Its a space where everyone is in the same boat, and where anything can be said without fear of embarrassment. All people with MS lie, most of the time. If we told you exactly what was happening, it would destroy your day / year / belief in a greater good. This place, soaked in pitch black humour, is exactly what we need. Did I mention  that the Yoga is amazing? Our teacher Jen is constantly looking for new methods to help kick the snot out of the MS, and it works.
Yesterday, I needed a yoga mat. I went to hire it from the front desk. I had my 2 dollars ready.
"No Si, no one in this class gets charged." Ah..
I then said.
"Cool. Give the cripples what they want, right?"
As I said, pitch black.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Power of No.

when someone keeps telling you what a bad position you are in and how you need to do what they are saying, its not usually your problem. All they are really telling you is much shit they are in, how much pressure they are getting from the people above them. Let them get on with it. Give them a happy No, and walk away like you don't care.You do have to mean it. I know this is tricky and a little uncomfortable, but the more you do it, the less shit you get.

Ohio,. No…..

I've woken up into the Ohio version of Spring /Summer /Winter. Bugger. Abbey confused as the dog whisperer is stood at the kitchen door  muttering, "Fucking hell Abbey, that is cold. May the what?" Reliably informed its going to be much nicer as the day goes on. Good. get on with it. I'll be in my warm house until you've sorted yourself out.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Well Heeled.

I've walked Abbey every day since we've been in Illinois. I'm going to walk her every morning when we get back to Columbus. If you are up early, in the Merion village area, and you here an english accent plaintively crying,
"I'm going to teach you to heel if it kills me. Don't sniff that, we both know its dead!"
When these dulcet tones fill the air, you will know the English dog whisperer is on patrol.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


I'm really tired, 1 1/2 steps from coma. But, I know I heard a cow in the distance this morning. There are no cows around here, Beth's mum and dad live on a golf course. Where was the cow? Hang on, 2 cows, as another moo pipes up. Where are the pair of cows? Fog, moo-moo-fog. Is it some kind of bovine morse code? Fog lifts. No mooing, no cows. Hmm. Coffee then. Moo-valous.

In the bleak Spring / Summer / Winter.

I swear it was really nice a few days ago. Not too hot, sunny, lovely breeze a perfect springy summer day.
it was snowing in Illinois yesterday. Its freezing this morning. What the fuck? I reckon Siberia is having a hot run they have never seen before. I know England is hot. Climate change, you reckon?
 For all you slow moving, window licking climate change deniers. Its in the bible somewhere. You've fucked up the perfect garden you were given and treated his/her boy very badly indeed. Enjoy the snow, put your shorts away, and get out the parkas.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Character Flow.

What freaks people out about stand up is when I say, “That character on stage isn’t me. I’m in it, but its something I’ve created. I leave him on stage as much as I can when I’m done, You would really not want to be around that bloke for too long.” 
People have an easier time with actors saying it, because they are in plays. “Of course its not you. I never had you down as a killer. Good job.” Like comics, actors know you have to leave the character on the stage. Its dangerous to bring it with you. 
Everybody has different characters they play. The work voice, the mum and dad voice, the
"Fuck off I don’t want to buy your shite!" phone voice,
Arty sorts admit it a lot more. I know when I’m writing it begins to kick properly when I start to hear the characters talking in my head. Is that nuts? A bit, but I’m very comfortable with it. By all means go exploring, remember its not real and try  not to immerse yourself too much.

Cardigan Apocalypse.

When I was packing to come down to Illinois I looked at my nice warm cardigan I'd got for Xmas. It'd be a waste of timing packing that, right? Having lived in America for 12 years or so, I packed it anyway. Just in case. Of course in case. The weather has been drizzling, windy, would be England, except the wind may be lethal, for 2 days now. Its May. Its not even the start of May, we are half way through. What the fuck?!
 Ah well, the lawns will be nice and green, if they don't  drown in shame.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rained Out.

Abbey and I went out for an early walk today. I'm glad we did that,  after we got back the sky opened and it hasn't shut since.
I know I had mac and cheese for lunch. I'm sure I really enjoyed it, though I'm suspicious that it may have been laced with sleepy time. Abbey and I both just woke up wondering where the rest for the day went. I think it drowned.


Every now and again there will be a news story about an exciting development in MS research. It will bleat facts that sort of make sense, then tilt its head meaningfully to the right, telling us the cure is still some 5-10 years away. You've been pitching the same horse shit for 20 years I know of.
Those of us being ripped apart by your lucrative pariah are only interested in two words. "Its Fixed." Other than that, keep the guess at best research to yourself, though i'm still into taking the drugs.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Time Lapse

I've spent a lot of the last 22 years bemoaning the time that MS has stolen from me. I hated the fact that I got really good at things, and had to let them go. I've had entire years dust out in front of me, spent running how crap everything was through my own mind. Take it from me, waste of time.
I've come to realize that as long as I keep looking for ways to do things, they tend to come up. I know i've been lucky, and got to do pretty much what I wanted.
 My friend Neil told me years ago, "You've been given MS to slow you down a bit." At the time I thought he was an idiot. As with a lot of other things he said, he turned out to be right. Im not supposed to find my way until I know why I'm doing it. Or until I just do it anyway. That'd be the right time.


 Beth and I went to the shops earlier today. That, or the sweet fairies came over whilst I was napping this afternoon. It was a lovely snooze in a lazy-boy. Our house is too small to put one of these chairs of heaven into.
As always happens after I awake from the perfect lazy-boy snooze, I start planning where we should move to, in order to have this piece of genius available, at all times. I can see the shape of the room  it will sit in. Just the right amount of space, so I can pull that switch, and descend into comfy nirvana.
Beth's Mum's neighbor cut the grass whilst I was asleep. All I need now is someone to randomly deliver a really good Thai meal, and I'll know I died in my sleep.

Morning Money Bollocks.

The Today program has a money guru on, Suze Orman. Start your retirement account as soon as possible. In fifty years you will be rich! of course, you can't touch it until then, and the economy is one bad day away from you losing most of it. America is full of people who know very little, shouting a lot. Its not just here, England is just as bad, as is everywhere really.
If your job is to give an opinion, you will give one. It doesn't matter if you are right, just that you are strident enough to get people nodding, in acceptance of your clear genius. This is why ponzi schemes continue to work. Here's a bite size fact. Anyone offering you over 10% return on your money a year, is lying, and carpeting their helicopter fund with your savings. Don't be greedy, get something nice to eat, and chill the fuck out.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Heat and Such.

Took abbey out for her second walk of the day.e Pootling down the road it suddenly struck me,
"Its quite a bit hotter, innit? Bugger."
Too late, we are on the road iow and will finish this saunter if it kills me. It didn't. It really wasn't that bad. Abbey was very good. I think she's still in shock.
"Another walk? You? Now?" Ok.
Got back to the house somewhat warm, but I think i burned the hangover off.
The original Crocodile Dundee is on the telly. Lovely to see him before  they got to his face.
"Paul mate. What did you ask them for…?
Thats a mystery that needs to be solved.

Morning Shock.

The apocalypse storm passed through as I slept. I woke up aware that the hangover I'd built last night was coming to replace it. So i took Abbey out on another early morning walk. She is now slumped by the table.
"what? What happened there?"
Her head flicks up every now and again.
"I know you haven't finished that banana…."
I know, but you have to pass that therapy dog test. Apparently one of the teachers is somewhat strict on you doing whatever you like. Give me a minute, you can have a bit at the end..

Weather Dog.

I spent a great evening with Beth, her mum, John and Kate. fantastic steaks, followed by cup cakes sent from heaven above. We then started piling our way through the beer Beth and I bought at the store today, which is now gone.

We sat out on the porch watching the heat lightning for hours. Abbey relaxed and slept. Then, she got up and started moving towards the house with a "bail now!"look  . Heat lightning continued, with a few drops of rain. We'll be ok we thought. Abbey was now jigging to get in. We took her advice, bailed, and missed the start of a massive storm which is still going on as I type. Thanks Abbey. No, you can't have the cheesy curls. I thought you'd still be full of the steak you blagged earlier.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Automatic Fail

Abbey was in shock. I woke up at 6 this morning and took her out for a walk. She looked across at me. "Walk? Outside? Down the road? now? She was very well behaved, as I think she bought the world had shifted on its axis.
That lasted until this evening. Beth's mum and dad live on a golf course. Our friend Dave was playing and stopped ti say hi. I had the leash in my hand and opened the door. The leash left my hand, as Abbey trailed it behind her, running at top speed until she reached Dave. According to the therapy dog exam she is going to take, automatic fail. Funny though.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Morning Pep.

Had a really good haircut yesterday, having entered Nikos looking like a tramp begging for change, I'm quite peppy. I covered my 10,000 steps yesterday and I'm already at nearly 3,000 today.Exercise, heh? turns out it works.
I've written a new tune today, no lyrics yet. I appear to be writing songs. that are difficult to play. This is what I have so far:

Verse G A D7


F Bflat  Fsharpm B  C as the passing note back to G

Middle 8

Some E diminished thingy which poodles its way back to where I started.

Why did I write this out? Because I've forgotten so many tunes in the past. Did I mention the top haircut? She, is a great barber.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rise and Fall.

Every morning i make sure I have walked 1/2 a mile before i have breakfast. I do this by playing with Abbey in the garden, until my step count has gone past 1200. She has been digging ankle traps in the garden for the past couple of years. The voyage from patio to garage door is strewn with potential disaster. I know this as last year I tanked out into a raised bed, having miscalculated the step i needed to reach safety.
Sounds horrible, so why do I look forward to daylight breaking, so I can take another crack at it? Its because the better I do the closer I get to what I think is normal. The voyage isn't that dangerous, unless you haven't felt any confidence in walking for 2 decades or so. So, cheers Abbey, keep on keeping on. We may make it yet.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Walking Down the road two verses.

Walking down the road
Everything is blurred
I’ve drunk too much
Feeling quite absurd

Lean on the wall but its moving
Everything out now and I’m spewing
Hang on where are you going?
I don’t know much but I know that I want you.

We ate for 2
I drank for 10
I know I said
I won’t do that again

Push off the wall now I'm  weaving
Limping along my chest heaving
After my heart who’s now leaving

Babe! Babe! All I want is you.x

Blood Settlement.

Yesterday, I had my drug of choice plugged into my blood. The infusion itself is pretty easy. I've done it once a month for two years, even the initial metallic invasion under the skin doesn't bother me any more. Turns out I slept through most of the infusion. I came home a little wiped out, changed my mind and went out for the evening with Beth, Fran and Paul to Easy Street. Pleasantly pissed, fantastic company.
Today my blood gives me a nudge, as the drug starts to get comfortable. Its difficult to explain, I can feel the adjustment, as my body welcomes this month's soldiers against MS apocalypse. They will fight the good fight for the next 28 days and then fade. When I first started I knew when my next infusion was coming up, as things began to collapse. This isn't the same now, as the good work that is done in the month lasts a lot longer. 
The day after  the infusion is still a little trippy….

Love's Bated Breath.

This week started with me getting my teeth cleaned. I always have a good time at the dentist, dental work doesn't bother me too much and the people there are a laugh.This time we talked about the biggest dread of the dental hygienist. i thought it would be patients in fear, teeth falling out while they were being cleaned. The biggest nightmare turns out to be unbelievably bad breath, which haunts the dreams of all professional teeth cleaners.
When I was at university I came across this. I started in a new class. On the other side of the room was a really pretty girl who no one would sit with. I thought that her looks intimidated people, so I went to sit next to her. She was really pretty, then he opened her mouth to speak. Children's dreams died, and the world in front of her mouth began to fold in on itself. It was really, really bad. With chastened, burning eyes I looked across the room at the sad, slowly nodding crowd.
How would this girl find love? Nobody is telling her that is going on. I saw a lonely house full of confused cats in her future. Oh no, surely not.
 I like to think she ended up with a normal looking guy, with no sense of smell.At distance no one could believe this guy's luck. In close, nobody could break left quicker. Love will out. The universe is like that.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Infusion Day

Once a month I enter a room where I know and like the people, where I do something incredibly dangerous, but has changed my life immeasurably. I never took any drugs for my MS, for over 20 years.It was pointed out to me by highly trained neurologists,
"You fucking what? You're still walking. You should be dead."
A couple of years ago my MS piled in,  ready to take me out forever. I reached the point where I knew I wasn't going to be able to walk. My father inlaw bought up walkers and a wheelchair to our house. The wheelchair sat in our dining room murmuring, "Told you so."
I knew I was a great candidate for Tysabri. I also knew its downside is fatal. Its very expensive, so they put me with a charity that pays for MS suffers to give the scary good a go. Things were so bad, lethal or not, I was in.
It worked out. They monitor my blood every few months to make sure I'm not cresting the death wave, and I walk better than I have for years. So, infusion it is.

Monday, May 5, 2014


I'm always up really early. My pooch has me up by 5:30 or so everyday. I'm often up anyway, much to Abbey's surprise. I know she feels that this must make breakfast immediate, it doesn't. 6am has to roll in for that to happen. We spend the hours leading up to it playing in the garden, her hiding her toy and I listen to radio 6 while I'm searching.
This is how i know I'm doing ok. The signal that MS is in the ascendent is when I don't listen to music. I have had months when I can't feel why I should be interested. Even in those difficult months, I know my love for music isn't dead, just muted for a while.
I'm very lucky, I've played guitar since I was 5 and I hear the rhythm in everything. Thats all I do. I listen hard all the time, knowing that there's something glorious coming that I wasn't expecting. Hasn't let me down yet.


I hope most of my friends back in England are still asleep, snoozing their way into a well deserved Bank Holiday. Some will have taken a long leisurely weekend, some may have taken the forthcoming  day off as a signal to get trashed on Sunday as, "Monday is mine!"
Why am I up? Despite having lived away from blighty for over a decade, there is a part of me that takes the second bank holiday option seriously. I drink towards the carefree Monday that doesn't exist in America, with some abandon.
Yes its 2am where I am, I'm doing this for all of you. Sleep on my friends…..

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Songs and such.

I play my guitar and sing the songs I have written over the past couple of years, everyday. It occurs to me that I should record them, and find somewhere to perform them. The new song is still gestating.  I have 4 or 5 I've never put out, that need to be freed. To make sure I get on with it, I'm going to put out the lyrics for the next song I'm going to record. I wrote this one ages ago.


I poured coffee in my computer
Does this mean it will run faster?
Did you back up your files on an outboard drive?
Then thats a caffeine disaster

Disaster, disaster
That's a caffeine disaster

Facebooked drunk on Friday night
That my boss is a total tosser
Monday comes, new job to find
That's a resume disaster

Disaster, disaster
That's a resume disaster

Bank holiday one day too long
And I slept with her sister
Now I'm on my own in a darkened room
And my palm is a weeping blister

Disaster, disaster
That's a wrong sister disaster.

We all do lots of stupid things
They don't cover us in glory
Then time goes by and you realize
Thats a cracking bloody story.

Story oh story
Thats a cracking bloody story.

Cheers to Jen, for one of the lyric changes.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Post Fun Apocalypse.

Fantastic day yesterday. Jen and Sue turned up around 12. Jen's birthday is today, so we decided to pre-empt it by drinking mimosas and eating top food all afternoon, laughing our way into nicely pissed oblivion. This was a much better route than the MS comas of the days before. Jen and Sue left, Beth and I managed to order a pizza, eat it and then? Hmm….
I just woke up, with little chance of going back to wherever I was. Hangover is absent, must be all that fruit juice. Reading then, with a coffee kicker and radio streaming from England until NPR's Saturday kick in. Their shows on the weekend are great. Much better than that wittering tilt at the awful of the world, that pollutes the rest of the week. Coffee, right?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Another Crack.

My pooch bleated me awake around 5:15. Don't tell her, but her need to start the day early is incredibly useful.  The last two days washed away into oblivion, so I figure Friday has to be better, right? Though Wednesday/Thursday were at best cack, there was enough going on to make them interesting.
Yesterday I watched a documentary on  HBO, Ann Richards, the progressive governor in Texas. Excellent documentary, catch it if you get the chance. Series 3 of the Inbetweeners landed on Netflix,which I had sort of seen a bit of. Hilarious, catch it, and try and work out who my friend Kirsten reckons represents what I was like at school. Still not quite sure, though a lot of the crap rings true…
My small semi pro studio stuff arrived in the week, so I can now get on with recording the songs I didn't bother to put up. I've been number 1 in the local comedy chart for the last couple of years, my lack of output is getting a little embarrassing.
Lunch with Jen Feather today so I best get myself in some sort of order.  Then, who knows? Maybe that haircut I've been going on about for weeks.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rain Slide.

I was going to do a lot more yesterday. Beth and I went shopping and I was going to go out in the evening. Then I got wiped out.
Weirdly enough rain and wobbly temperatures is worse than constant freezing cold. I remember a very nice salmon dinner. I know I got the things I needed to build a decent home studio. I know I was looking a the lyrics I'd written and i was beginning to adjust as I went, which I always do. The next thing I remember is rolling over in bad and clumping my pooch at 5:30 this morning, at which time sleep is over.
Its still sodden, with a threat of another crappy day. I have no idea how long I can last in it.  Weird right? Ah well, back to the roller coaster. Coffee, breakfast, you never know I may get more done than I think. That, or dreams you would not believe. Does save on dodgy drugs...