Monday, December 23, 2013


A few years ago my uncle John told me he'd been in a floatation tank and how amazing it made him feel. I always seem to take time to get to something that I know will help me.
 The last time I made a move I was certain I needed, though I didn't realize just how beneficial it would be, was when I joined an MS yoga class. I remember the first time I walked in. Everyone seemed to know each other. I know now its because anyone with MS that walks into this class will keep on coming as long as they possibly can. The class is amazing in that it gave me, who had lost trust in what my body could do, control I didn't realize I could have.
The room is a no bullshit zone. You do not come to this class unless you are truly fucked. The humor level is high, there's no judgement and everyone looks out for everyone else. This class led to me learning Reiki, which sounds like new age tosh, but is incredibly useful.
I've been doing an infusion once a month, for the last 18 months of Tysabri. I started doing it as, yoga or not, my MS was wiping me out. The Tysabri worked and restored my walking. Its a bit of a head fuck to do, the downside is that if it goes wrong, you are looking at being totally crippled or dead. The thing  about MS is that I reached the point where the risk really didn't seem to matter.
I'm now thinking, living taking the constant risk of an awful end, might be quietly fucking with my brain.
Therefore, I could do with a new way to chill out. No gravity, quiet, darkness and total support? Sounds alright to me.

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