Monday, January 17, 2011


After a heavy Friday I went to an MS yoga class on Saturday. Its new and I wandered in to hide in the corner for an hour and a half. This was scuppered by the fact that Jen, the teacher and I were the only one's there. Weather and a flat tire prevented anyone else attending. sounds like a nightmare, it was actually excellent. Jen has been teaching MS yoga for a while, and she really understands what works to try and get your body working again. That, and she's always looking for new ways to move us forward. I was lucky to get a one to one lesson from her, slightly hungover as I was. Came home and continued blasting my way through Battlestar Galactica on Netflix. Having no telly for two weeks addicted me to watching series on my tiny laptop screen. turns out it was rather good.
sunday. Finished Battlestar, Beth and I went to Trader Joe's and Whole foods to buy the new foods which are slowly starting to make sense on our flexitarian diet. Turns out you can have meat, as long as you have lots of beans and vegetables. Turns out you don't have that much meat, and the faintly worrying looking veggies thing sare  actually really good. And you poo properly. Did I mention that?

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