Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Ring cycle

Current mood:  cheerful
Category: Life
Yesterday went out to dinner for Ian's birthday dollar sushi night at Kofusion in Champaign. I know dollar sushi invites an arse gasping and trying to go down for water, whilst its owner groans above, begging for death. Actually it was really good and my stomach / arse remained unperturbed. Drank too much, shuffled home and realised I must have lost my rings in the house before I left. I say realised, it was more that I was irrationally certain I must have left them in the house somewhere.
When I lose things, which is often I have discovered that rushing around with my head cut off bleating and whining ( which I have done a lot in the past) does me no good at all. The only thing that works is to say "don't worry it'll turn up" and wait for the zen click which tells me where the objects are.
This did not stop Beth and her parents turning their house upside down looking for my wedding rings.
I actually have 2 rings, one which is the wedding ring and a silver gold engagement ring I got because I'd never been engaged before; never gonna do it again; better get a bonus ring then.
The house continued to be searched while I tried to clear my head, tricky, as the guilt of the dormant ring loser kept flitting across my mind. I couldn't run the house it would have muddied my parting cloud. No rings, bed.
Woke up and the clouds parted. The rings were in the car. Why? It was cold last night and my fingers had shrunk and the rings fell in the seat. Why didn't you notice? As I intimated, I was far too sushied and pissed.

So thanks to Jan and Carl and Beth for humouring the sedentary thinker, who needed his hangover to clear up, just enough to remember what should have been obvious in the first place.
As a postcript. I just found the peanut crackle from dollar general, which I dismissed as  cack two days ago, in my kitchen. It has graduated from being cack to being sweets I just found in my kitchen. Mmm.

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