Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mary, mary

Rhonda and I put up the 12 days of facebook today. Great to get back to working on a comedy tune again. What fascinates me is how long it takes. You get the idea, go at it for a few hours, realise the first idea was OK, then start correcting it. This takes a few more hours. Then you start figuring out how to sing it, making sure in the case of satirising a known song, in this case the 12 days of Xmas that your meter is spot on. More hours figuring that out. Then you sing it through for a couple of hours getting used to what you have come up with.
 then you leave it for a couple of days while you independently get used to the words. Then you change them again as you see better scans. Finally you attempt to get it down without slurring or breaking up laughing while you are doing it, another couple of hours. T Chuck it up and hope for the best. Then, something shit happens on the news and you start working it all out again.
I recommend multiple bloody marys. 

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