Saturday, January 31, 2009

ah, its crappy film time

Current mood:focused sleepy wakey
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Too cold to go outside. even the stalactite icicles look uncomfortable. Solution? Heat the house, not worry about the bill (tricky), whack on the telly and snuggle in for an evening of brain dead no nonsense lethargy.
Swordfish first. i know its shit, but it has loud explosions, and a semi-coherent plot. She's working with him? He's working for them....? What? BOOM! Who cares! More car chases, cool.
Now into the Bourne Supremacy. Disadvantage, an intelligent coherent plot, really good characters. Its a proper well made film. BOOM! Who cares! More car chases........

Currently watching:
The Bourne Supremacy (Widescreen Edition)
Release date: 2004-12-07

Friday, January 30, 2009

And it all started so well.......

Current mood: geeky
Category: Life

Got up and built my studio into the top of the house. Cool. Installed the Mac update pack. Computers officially pimped. New software means you can install XP on a dual boot, so no need to buy a PC. Nerdy cool.
Flushed the toilet, frozen. Bot cool at all. You could ice skate on the pan.Realised again how useful disposable chopsticks are, as I hacked a hole in the ice and the tsunami retreated. Realised I have to pay my english taxes today. Checked what they were. Shit. Phoned Kelly in england, its all in hand I can pay online, Yippee....
Day is freezing and going to get worse. Got a gig this evening whose theme is changing as the temp drops. Don't think anyone will be there but the foolhardy (me) Ah well, something fun is bound to happen.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Current mood: bouncy
Category: Life

Beth pointed out to me yesterday that the old trout who heckled me in the supermarket was not a funny old lady, but a vicious old bitch who bit off "Wiseguy" like she was kicking her cat for purring. I knew at the time it was a fairly hate riven declaration, I just enjoyed her choice of words, if not being.
Further, I know my declaration yesterday about the republicans was fairly full on. To be fair, they are currently a freshly neutered dog, who lives in ball-less confusion, desperately air humping the house for all its worth. They can't help it bless them.....

Currently listening:
Ball Of Confusion
By Love & Rockets

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Level 2 snow emergency shopping

Woke up, snow coming down, ice on the floor. Thought I'll get provisions. Went to my car smashed the ice off with my elbow, got in fishtailed it out onto the street and set off for the shop.
 I like driving when its snowing on black ice. Its like being in an arcade game. Did shopping whilst slowly realising how bad the weather was. Under a level 2 snow emergency which means only drive if you have to, stay inside you twat! The only level beyond it is 3, where they arrest you if you are on the road.
Got home spent 30 minutes talking to a woman called Jill who was looking for the owner of the lost pooch she was wandering around with. Turns out she is a top flight live theatre tech, looking to get back in the business (took a break to raise her son) and knows exactly what she is talking about. Told her to get on Facebook, if you see her, talk to her, top flight techs are hard to come by, and she is really cool (as they all are).
Back in my house now, where I will be waiting the death weather out.

Ding dong the chins are dead?

Current mood: blissful
Category: Life

Please, please. please take Karl Rove and rake him across the coals of his own lies. It would be so much fun to see him squirm, just to see how far his head could move, whilst leaving his chins in place.
Welcome to the new world you right wing toss pots,comfortable for feasonable decent people, poison for you. Karl's like a fish ripped from a lake. Struggle, struggle struggle.
The economic package thingy is a showcase for how little the neo-cons have realised how badly they are screwed. We hated your guts for 8 years and now its our go. Saddle up, or fuck off. Aah. I love the world today. Total crisis, granted, but the doom of nazi-fuckwits. Makes me smile a lot.

Currently listening:
The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust
By David Bowie
Release date: 1999-09-28

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Modern Dictation - Theatre

Current mood: artistic
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

You wake up. You are alone. You canot stand up straight, the ceiling is too low. You smell cooking and peat everywhere. Feathers lie all over the room. You vaguely remember a figure, feather in hand, lit by a candle, scribbling in a book. You smile to yourself. The day looks to be full of joy and mirth. You have just made the beast with two backs with the Bard.

Currently listening:
My Field Trip to Planet 9
By Justin Warfield
Release date: 1993-07-13

How cold is it? Dog diss cold.

Current mood: amused
Category: Life

Snow on the ground. Witches tit cold. So cold my dog bounded to the kitchen door, ball in mouth, ready to play in the garden, stuck her head out, sniffed, looked at me, shook her head, and headed back to the couch. That is fairly cold.

Currently listening:
Beggars Banquet
By The Rolling Stones
Release date: 2002-08-27
7:21 AM0 Comments

Monday, January 26, 2009

Believe what you like, but...

Current mood:resonabletgetfuckyness
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Watched Pat Condell's vid about the sreligo-fraca in the Netherlands. Pondered a bit. Hmm. I don't give a toss which religo load of old toss you believe in. I was bought up Irish-Catholic so I have a lot of guilt knocking about which makes no sense whatsoever. Don't chuck it at other people. If you want to live in La La land fine. The second you expect me to chow down on your superstitious tosh, and attack me for not believing in it, get fucked. Anyone who is touting any religion which dwells solely in the negative is a waste of air. The rest of us who understand life is hard, but fun, are not interested. As I said before, get fucked . Actually doing that might help.

Currently listening:
Chant: Music For The Soul
By The Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz
Release date: 2008-07-01

Chilly morning. but chilled

Current mood:chilly but perky
Category: Life

Its cold. Midwest cold, which is an interesting experience. A mate of mine from England said he wpuld die in this cold. It is an option. I love american weather, if you don't pay attention, it will kill you stone dead. Aah, bless. Even the weather is obsessed with the Protestant work ethic.
Woke up this morning having used 3 part breath to put myself to sleep. Amazing. Do yourself a favour and learn what this is. You put yourself into the most comfortable position, do 3 part breath 4/5 times and then wake up hours later, feeling quite perky. Of course the coffee, can of starbucks expresso and marlboro lights help.....

Currently listening:
Need for Not
By Levitation
Release date: 1992-06-16


Current mood: amused
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

A beautiful new clip, a heartwarming tale on my video channel. aah....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Serial Killers are Tossers

Current mood:I hate serial killing c***s
Category: Life

Watching a documentary on BTK the bind torture kill serial killer. He is a cock. All Serial killers are no personality shit rags. Over the years we have written books and made films based on these tree oxygen wasting, attention seeking shit dribbles to the point where they feel the need for fame, with no talent except causing the pain and death of others. Solution? Chuck em on an island, ignore them and supply duct tape, chainsaws and all the other stuff they seem to like so much.

Currently watching:
NBC News Presents: BTK Confessions
Release date: 2006-02-14

Modern Dicktation- Tansport

Current mood:focused sleepy wakey
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

You wake up. You are alone. The room is tiny, window high, filthy. Light filters in a lazy bullying dust cloud across the room. The bed is hard and unforgiving, an open toilet sits seething in the corner of the room. You ache everywhere, and your head is ringing the headache bell. You were arrested last night for drunken sex on the 73 to Stoke Newington.

Currently listening:
Papua New Guinea Translations
By Future Sound of London
Release date: 2002-07-02

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yoga chilling

Current mood:chilled
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

3 hours of relentless relaxation. I can recommend it. Its the most legal high you can get, with out the possibility of overdoing it and dropping dead, or giving your car away,
"Because I really like your face...."
Yury currently rocking out to The Stone Roses on Guitar Hero. Much better then his frst pick of Joe Satriani which ended in a chorus of boos, with Yury destroying his new guitar in a huff. I am so relaxed I couldn't care less what was going on.......

Currently listening:
The Complete Stone Roses
By The Stone Roses
Release date: 1995-06-27

Escape to Victory from Coma land

Current mood: chipper
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Last night Rhonda came around to work on some comedy tunes and Sonda invited us over to her house for a drink. Said yes, was excited to go, then wiped out completely. Went to bed while Beth and Rhonda sat downstairs inhaling wine. Woke up about midnight, came downstairs, whacked down a starbucks can of energy, then we spent a couple of hours writing our ode to Dick Cheney Its nearly there, should be up on the net by friday......

Currently reading:
If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor
By Bruce Campbell

Friday, January 23, 2009

Doctor Who'd

Current mood: full

MS fatigue relenting a little, but still lingering like a bad fart in a lift. Solution? Doctor Who marathon on the sci-fi channel. Something about watching David Tennant saving the universe makes you feel like you've done something with the afternoon. Aah. Cybermen dead, job done. Time for a bifter.....

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - The Complete Second Series
Release date: 2007-01-16

Modern Dicktation 12 Politics

Current mood:awakey maybe....
Category: Romance and Relationships

You wake up. You are alone. The room is pretty but sterile, masculine but strewn with women's clothes. An apple sits on the desk by the bed. You remember last night looking good, going well, but leaving your soul a little cold. It was very quiet. What was that exactly? Adams apple and great boobs? You shrug to yourself. ah well. You have just had sex with Ann Coulter.

Currently listening:
Spin Spin Sugar
By Sneaker Pimps
Release date: 1997-09-23

The loud gurgling death of right wing crypto-fascism

Current mood: content
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

"He wasn't elected!" "Why does everyone want him to succeed?" "Over the next few weeks we will take off a panel a day on our Obama poster, finally revealing the real Obama." This one is Sean Hannity, screeching fool. I have a poster of him we are taking panel off a day to reveal the real Sean Hannity. We've revealed the C and the T already. Only the U and the N to go. What's that odd, edge-like guitar sounding voice keening away in the corner? The jaw wired shut Coulter trying to join in....

Currently listening:
This Is the Life Where You Get Fucked
By Rabbit Junk
Release date: 2008-06-17

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The MS fatiguey post.

Current mood: ecstatic

If this post sense not, fatigue brain freeze because. Actually that sort of made sense. Just arose from coma 4 or 5, just in time to watch the new series of Burn Notice. Can't wait, if you haven't seen it do. Top rubbish with Bruce Campbell? Should be required school viewing. And we are off!

Currently watching:
Burn Notice - Season One
Release date: 2008-06-17


Current mood:fatigibetter
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Beth's mum and dad came up yesterday. cool to see them. Beth is trading her jeep for an SUV fyou can start by remote. James Bond business. Went to the Claddagh. Bacon cabbage rolls, probably the best thing they do there, shockingly good. your mouth can't quite believe that a dish with a name like that can taste so amazing. Fish and chips to follow, self proclaimed best in the city. Speaking as an Englishman whose blood type is half batter, they might be right. Came home and got hit with a massive MS fatigue wave. Crawled to bed woke up 5 am feeling a little better. MS fatigue is like nothing you've ever experienced. When it comes for you, you are screwed until it says otherwise. Good sleep though.

Currently listening:
The Natch'l Blues
By Taj Mahal
Release date: 2000-09-05

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Logans Run

Current mood:knackered
Category: Life

Spent this morning in Logan Ohio. Very nice, looks like the english xountryside. Logan itself is a cool little town. said to Beth " I could live here." She looked at me and said, "Its not a city you would be bored." She was right, I am a city rat. I love visiting little hamlets, don't want to live there. Beth did a workers comp hearing I sat in the car and wrote an ode to Duck Cheney set to Rawhide. That'll be going up on reverbnation this week. Spoke to my mate Rhonda. We both thought the same thing. Maybe we will take citizenship after all

Currently listening:
Greatest Hits
By The Ramones
Release date: 2006-06-06

At Last

Current mood: blessed
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Coming to the end of the brand new day. The new President and his missus are hitting Ball number 8 or 9. Every ball, words of thanks and vision, then a dance to At Last. You would think this would get boring, but the two of them can dance, and clearly got married to the right person for the right reason. Best one i saw was the first, with a cavalcade of stars singing. When your MC is Denzel Washington, its probably gonna be OK. Service and helping people out, not such a bad idea. My only regret is that Bush didn't leave the way I hoped, walking to Texas, dressed in a hop sack carrying a bucket of his own shit, with Karl Rove clearing the slops behind him.

Currently listening:
At Last!
By Etta James
Release date: 1999-07-27

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Current mood:realistic
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

7 something. Been up a while, the dogs are duking it out in the garden. On the TV the prep for obama's inauguration. Quite amazing seeing all these people in the freezing cold, laughing and singing and waiting for history. Doesn't happen that often. Cheers ro Sally Holloway for talking me back from a killer Edinburgh schedule. I think I can do two weeks amd have a wander around checking out gigs and doing pickups. The month of shows I got excited into would have cost me 3 months at the other end. I can't do that anymore. So do some gigs, enjoy some shows, happy days,,,,,,

Currently listening:
Greatest Hits
By The Ramones
Release date: 2006-06-0

Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, someone's got to pay

Current mood:certain
Category: Life

Tomorrow America reclaims its status as the coolest place in the world, having had eight years of their leaders drive their reputation into a shit sack and drown it in a canal. Who pays for that? Someone has to the pay. There is no choice. If the torture and lies are left to fester, the Hague will come knocking and the humiliation of a war crimes trial will be too much to bear. So, who pays? My bet is Rumsfeld, although longer odds are going out on Bush and Cheney. Lets get some money down, roll the dice, and wave bye bye to these cheating lying bastards as the legality chasm consumes them

Currently listening:
Original Music From Tales From The Crypt (1989-1994 Television Series)
Release date: 1992-10-13

Monday, monday

Current mood: content
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

A quarter to six. 5:45 am for my american brethren. Coffee up, cigarettes in, day started. What to do with the day? Woke to a documentary about the end of the world, with tsunamis sweeping the earth. Love that about american late night / early morning tv, its either death and murder, 3 slappers discussing the virtues of Extenze or Fitz doing the long version of the god products he's punting. "It sells itself." There are early morning god shows as well, telling you how to use your credit card of freedom to save yourself. Americas fragmented soul, sprayed across the cable remorselessly, breathing in and out before your slowly waking eyes. Cool.

Currently listening:
Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1
By Guru's Jazzmatazz
Release date: 1993-05-18

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wow inauguration love

Current mood: blissful
Category: Friends

Watching the inauguration on HBO. Its like experiencing the joy of Obama winning over and over again. I don't think anyone who doesn't live here in the States can ever know what a whole country smiling with joy as one feels like. The gig is spot on, locked and just makes you smile and well constantly. George lopez is up right now, and he's knocking the crap out of it. What a gig. Herbie Hancock, Will I am with Sheryl Crow to follow??!! America is the best in the world at this suff. Job done. Just finished watching the gig. I hope everyone gets a chance to see it. Its the sound of a country reclaiming itself, and being reborn. Amazing.

Currently reading:
The Rise of Barack Obama
By Photography and Text by Pete Souza

Sunday starting slowly

Current mood:wakey-sleep

My eyes are barely open. It has taken coffee and starbucks expresso shots in a can to achieve basic compus. I was streaming films online last night. I watched Rocknrolla, "Gpr blimey, strike a light, come on you toilet! Chim chim chim chiminee.." Last thing I remember was the perfect camp of Transporter 3 rolling atound the room, " I drive the car. No I am not the gay." Genius. Going to the Ohio theatre this afternoon, for a classical extravaganza. Hope to be awake by then.

Currently listening:
Zombie Prom (Original 1996 Off-Broadway Cast)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coma cannabis pizza defeated.

Current mood:awakey maybe....
Category: Life

Woke up at 9 pm unsure of where I was or what time it was. This is the effect of the coma cannabis pizza. There is a chinese near us that has a similar druggy hit. Eat the food, enjoy the food, wake up hours later wondering what happened .Spent a great afternoon with John Feather, knocking backing brunch and talking rubbish. He's a big a Doctor Who fanatic as I am, not many will talk extensively of the purity of the v first episode with William Hartnell. Gave me the cane he's been making me the past few months. Its beautiful, detailed, and I will be putting up pics of it as soon as I can. As I said last week, I don't know what to say, the generosity of what he's done knocks me sideways. Now in front of 12 monkeys with our pooch patrol looking after Rudy while Fran and Paul are in Aruba (their yearly run at the sun, while we freeze in the midwest ice cave). Dogs are getting on great, though Abbey is still jealous if anyone gets any affection but her.....

Currently watching:
12 Monkeys (Special Edition)
Release date: 2005-05-10

Way too early start.

Current mood: catalyzed
Category: Life

Woke up. Put on some coffee, let the dog out into the death cold to pee. Phoned my Dad, who was buying tulips in a shop in Paris. He asked why I was up so early. Realised it was 4:15 am. Thought about going back to bed and then played my bass for an hour or so. I run it through an Alesis multi-mix so I don't disturb anyone, at least noone has complained yet. Now ready for the day, its not even 7 am. Its Saturday. My breakfast was yogurt, berries and granola. Have I turned into a geography teacher overnight? Slight hang over tells me probably not...

Currently listening:
In the Future
By Black Mountain
Release date: 2008-01-22

Friday, January 16, 2009

Xmas party, yeah, xmas party

Current mood:cabbage
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Went to the Hey Hey for their Xmas party. Not packed, as Xmas parties post epiphany tend to be, not. Good food though and plenty of it, with noone to eat it. Back home now, with Yury solidly training on guitar hero. Another soul cast into the pretend gig abyss....

Currently listening:
By Fleetwood Mac
Release date: 1990-10-25

800 mg and counting......

Current mood:trippy?
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Was just in the kitchen partaking of a snifter of Vics sinex, the finest nose clearing gear, in my opinion. Tried the others, Vics is the only one that doesn't give me a nosebleed. Felt a bit weird, then figured out why. Twisted my wrist earlier on, couldn't fingd the Advil. Advil is ideal for twists and sprains, its the perfect drug for an actor needing to perform who can barely walk. No Advil. Found the ibuprofen I was given after my wisdom tooth extraction. 800mg, I figured, that'll do the job. To be fair, it was that or my rainy day percacet, and its snowing, not raining. Remembered when chugging the Vics that Stewart had been over for our day late wine chug wed night. hmmm. see you in May.

Currently listening:
The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust
By David Bowie
Release date: 1999-09-28

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Current mood:happy cold
Category: Travel and Places

just walked to Sue's shop to get cigarettes. wrapped up as well as i could. wore me Crombie, which makes me feel very london. The thing which meant I could make the trip in the death weather, was the fact I was wearing Boggs. These are the best snow boots ever. Bought them to go snowmobiling a couple of years ago. they keep your feet warm down to -30F and don't slip on the death ice. like immodium, Advil , and if you can get it, Percacet, they do exactly what it says on the tin. i lov 'em. Rhonda did point out, and she's right, the best indoor shoes in death cold, are UGGS. So BOGGS to get the fags, UGGs to sit in your house and smoke them. It must be domething to do with snow products with a double GG in the name....

Currently listening:
Let It Snow
By Michael Buble
Release date: 2007-10-08
Death Children stories
Current mood:coldydeath
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Current weather report in Columbus, wrap us warm make sure your skin isn't exposed, or die. Over a foot of snow, looks like Narnia, kills like Antarctica. Last night went to the monthly mingle of the film makers of Columbus.
Ended up discussing snowmen. snow yesterday was not sticky enough to build a snowman. what you could do is have a splat of snow, throw a carrot on it and claim it was a snowman that committed suicide. Someone then said they only have a bag of mini carrots. if you threw a bag of small carrots maybe there was a small group of snowmen that kiled themselves in a Jonestown massacre fracas. Why would they have followed the other snowman? Throw down one piece of coal. In the land of blind snowmen, the one eyed snowman is king. What about the matchbooks at the back of the snow puddles? turns out the snowmen were killed by the little matchstick girl, who turns out to be a snowman serial killer. She died of cold when her snow victims melted on her.
This became a discussion about the fact that Hansel and Gretel were in fact cooked in the witches oven which exploded. Scientists got pieces of them, cloned them and they went back and got her Resident Evil style. This mixer is once a month. You bet I'm going again.

Currently listening:
Frosty The Snowman
By International Children
Release date: 1990-10-11

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Secret is there is no secret, just work......

Current mood: awake
Category: Life

Was talking on the IM with my mate Foreman earlier. He was asking me how he could get into writing material for stand-ups. In the end I told him to build a portfolio of stuff, pitch ideas across the net, meet people online and in the pub, and hope for the best. There is no short cut as far as I can work out. All I do know is the best day is when you have learned enough to realise you don't know that much. Then you can start working.
My Dad said to me years ago "The harder I work. the luckier I get." He was right, but he always works smart too. That seems to be a trick if there is one. Enjoy what you do, work hard, but work smart.
I'm reading a book by Geoff Colvin tagged at the bottom which is making me look at this idea. His concept is that people can be born with talent, the ones who are spectacular are those who follow deliberate practice, doing what others are doing but focusing and accepting it isn't going to be easy. The recent example I've encountered is how the Pale Imitations prepare for a show. They run the whole show 3 times, once to know this is the show that hangs together, twice to get the bile out and do the jokes that will never hit the stage (Rhonda and I do this when we run shows together), third time to lock it up. When Rhonda and I ran our Xmas shows we ran the tech with Seth at least twice before each show. When I've done Shakespeare the 6 weeks rehearsal is as much about learning the shape and tech aspects of what you are doing as learning the lines.
Funny enough it made me think of college. I did a history degree, and when we were tested, knowing the history was assumed, it was what you thought about it that was important.
In what I do now, I know a joke is never finished, and can always be reworded or sold differently. Life is a constant edit, and once you start doing it deliberately, its a lot of fun...

Currently reading:
Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else
By Geoff Colvin

"Jesus Christ!" Right book......

Current mood: cultured

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Slept very well all day yesterday, therefore up very early. Just watched Hitman which scored a whopping 15% on Rotten Tomatoes. They were wrong. Its actually a good film. A steroid Leon, no Natalie Portman, but you can't have everything.

Both films do the same thing, you end up rooting for the merciless killer. Hitman isn't as emotionally involving, you know he's gonna get away with it, but they are both fun. Any film that can hit an emotional connect has my vote.

Today, do some work. Already started, planning to write the music for Loop Chasm whilst still half-asleep, I think that is where the tune lives...... Listening to Biggie Smalls Life After Death. Thats what gangsta rap is supposed to be like.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Current mood: sleepy
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Beth and I have been on the weirdest sleep schedule for the past couple of months. We work all hours of the day or night and have been sleeping, though not much, the same way. Today both our bodies said, enough. Both crashed hard having tried to start the day on 2 hours sleep. Both still a little fluey and took the sleep we both needed. Cool. It was cold and crap outside anyway. Not as cold as tomorrow is looking, and thursday / friday look even worse. Can you sleep for a week? Touch of the Van-winkles?
Watched Hilary Clintons senate conformation today. didn't have anything on her so the republicans skonked on about Bill. Just fuck off already you witless right wing c***ts, got a real world to sort out. go home, whack in the passion of the christ, whack off and fuck off!
Beth is taking cough medicine from England. Better than the American stuff, as England leaves the cocaine in. Roll on wednesday, promise I'll join in tomorrow

Back to Reality?

Current mood: amused
Dreams and the Supernatural

Stopped the zi-coke trip. shame, as it was in its own way a spectacular cheap druggy way through a cough. You were quite right Kirsten, I did need to pack it in, well, until next time.
Went to Yoga today, which was excellent. Did caggels (?) which are a pelvic floor exercise for women. Quote, "imagine you are picking up a marble with your vagina." Hmm. The male version is that you "move your penis up and down," unquote. Works really well, although as I pointed out, the males chucking the penis up and down could go super wrong very quickly. Saw Jennifer afterwards and said, "Thanks for that. Thats a message that Beth will be wanting to send you down the line."
Dinner from the Northstar. Tofu Buddha bowl and a red pepper spinach dip. Excellent, as their food always is. Watched Bush's final press conference. Wow. Delusion, defiance and a fortunate lack of knowledge of how history is going to judge him.
We are back in the real world, its hard, but respect for bluffers guessing with money they do not have, is over. Respect for banks? Gone. Good. Never liked them. Produce something useful, give us what we want, or just fuck off. This attitude, the one that kept me out of career in the corporate sector. Stuff is not important, never was, people are. Those who followed the money are a little unfortunate in this regard, as they don't have any real friends. Chill out, be nice, we might even get you a drink. Lord knows, you need it....

Currently watching:
Neil Young - Heart of Gold
Release date: 2006-06-13

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend. Golden Feather / Dungeon Impro

Current mood: touched
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Really cool weekend. Sat went to lunch with John and Jen Feather at Easy Street. Its not often I'm lost for words, even rarer that I'm overwhelmed. Both happened. John Feather has whittled a walking cane for me from a branch from a tree in his garden. He showed me the cane before we went for lunch. Typing now I still feel myself welling up. What an amazing thing to do. Its a beautiful piece, thats taken him I dunno, ages at least. Amazing . John brought me round by pointing out that it was designed to be a cane and a very effective weapon. Thank you John, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Onto a great 4 hour lunch, which ended with the 3 of us thinking the same thing. Why don't we do this all the time? Supposed to go the Planets narrated by John Glenn in the evening, Beth and I too ill and go to bed. Sure it was great. Sunday evening went to an impro jam at Gressos. Big football game on, ended up in the basement. It was great, had a brilliant time. Then had dinner with Bill, Yury, Earl and Scott. Same deal as saturday. Why don't I do this all the time? these people are great. Now typing undrugged on my bed listening to mark Kermodes film reviews, the best in the world.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The sleep tour

Current mood: calm
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

6 am. Slept well, waking up every now and again in different areas of the house. Maybe the Zi-coke does put you on tour, inside the house instead of somewhere in the city. Talking yesterday to a good mate of mine who took the drug route a little serious back in the day. Ended up in a flat in Tottenham doing an E / heroin cross. It was a a tablet, how bizarre a combo is that? I wanna dance! I need to sleep. I love everybody! Life just is.......... I was actually present when this combo tool place. So weirded out that me and another mate of mine left, went to a local pub, which was rough as arseholes and watched battle karaoke for a few hours. This mate of mine is totally straight now, in very good shape. Thats the problem with drugs. They are fun, until they are not. You can walk away until you cant. This came up because I was saying how much fun the Zicam coke cross is. My friend said that I've always had a Laissez faire attitude to drugs. This is true. With the MS I'm tripped out most of the time anyway, if doing it on purpose every now and again, and enjoying the ride comes up? Cool. But, if you find you design everything around the drug, lose all your friends, think The Wall is a documentary, and end up in a flat crossing drugs that shouldn't be in the same room together ? Walk.

Currently watching:
Pink Floyd - The Wall 25th Anniversary (Deluxe Edition)
Release date: 2005-01-25

Friday, January 9, 2009

You guys are so brainwashed, it makes me fu***ing sick

Current mood:religiofreaked.
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

You guys are so brainwashed, it makes me fu***ing sick
Current mood:religiofreaked.
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

The Zi-coke did not coma me this time. Its 5:08 am. watching a documentary called Hard as nails, about a bad kid who found God and preaches his way across America. its mad as fuck. He works out to stay away from masturbation. He hits people in the back with folding chairs, so they can feel what Jesus felt. I think he's a hammer and a few nails short. Found God when he got a girl pregnant at 16. Girl walked, and he doesn't know what happened to the kid. This was good practice for the legions who are walking from him presently, never to be seen again. He's married, that just came on, and intermittently sane. Now shouting at a fat girl for being fat, then asking the audience to clap for her being beautiful. Mad. She's now just said that she is fat, but her priority is now God. just lay off the cakes and have a walk. By all means Amen it on the way home. if you get a chance watch this, unless I was wrong about the Zi-coke and I'm hallucinating....
Just saw a montage of simulated crucifixons, Jesus beatings, fold up chair attacks, and yelling at fat, suicidal, porno loving self cutters. i am tripping. Its great. Justin, turbo preacher incarnate

Currently watching:
Hard as Nails
Release date: 2001-10-23
5:07 AM 0 Comments(Add Comment)

Killed by skill

Current mood:unshocked Category: Music

watching a documentary on Tupac and Biggie smalls. Always the way. talent dies and the bottom feeders circling them keep on feeding. Loaded on Zi -coke, still trying to shake the congestion question. Sleep approachi......zzzzzzz.......

Currently watching:
Biggie & Tupac: The Story Behind the Murder of Rap's Biggest Superstar
Release date: 2005-03-22

Thursday, January 8, 2009

today’s the day...?

Current mood: narnia
Category: narnia Dreams and the Supernatural

Went to my office (happy new year!) Tried to get a haircut (barber shut) Went to Macs next door to the office , fantastic chilled out studio, booked an appointment for 12:45. Went to my office.
It was stil there, in one piece, nothing nicked, a very cool chilled out spot. Opened mail. Bank had frozen some of my business accounts. Bollocked them with such classics as "Are you people stupid or what?" I can't help myself. I can't stand banks. They walk around like they are the kings / queens of the town. they are not. They are in charge of a wardrobe you keep your life in, with a dodgy door that will not open half of the time. Nowadays they are in charge of a wardrobe that leads to Narnia, where your money vanishes to be spent by a faun on snowflake cakes.
Back to Mac for a haircut, amazing. I'll be going back. There's a great spa in there too. Mac herself is well into energy work, the rooms are smudged and the place ebbs positive.
Back home. Had a Zicam coke frothy. Woke up on couch with Beth telling me it was friday. So out of it I believed her. Then used boy scout skills. listening to traffic outside to suss it was actually thursday night. Much like Percacet, I thnk the Zicam / coke clockwork orange cocktail gets addictive very quickly. I bought more of it today. Rainy day tripping me thinks....

Currently listening :
Surrealistic Pillow
By Jefferson Airplane
Release date: 2003-08-19

Fitz. The Slap Chop, Graty, Sham Wow Genius!

Current mood: sung down from the abyss
Category: sung down from the abyss Dreams and the Supernatural

Every word in the title capitalized, cos that's how Fitz talks. Been up since Zicam / Cola coma recovery. banging down coffee as the day is underway. Its 3:40 am no matter what the crazy train blog time thingy says. Joe Jackson live on the telly. can't get better, right? Advert. Fitz is here. Day explodes! We can chop with no stress! We can get thinner! If we call in the next 20 minutes we can chop Jesus cheese!
Twitching, reaching for phone and cards. Adverts over. Joe back asking "Is she really going out with him?" Twitching stops. Thanks Joe, sanity resumed....

Currently watching :
Joe Jackson - 25th Anniversary Special
Release date: 2003-03-18

return to Zoz. You have eased my mind and spoken kindly to me

Current mood: weird
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Got a new phone today ( a Blackberry, bought unlocked from, the only way to buy phones, unless you like paying for them in gold bars). Set it up, tried to break it, then stood to one side as Beth did the thing I hadn't seen, and the magic happened. This is why I was no good at Zelda. Never understood that the kick it till it works approach, really doesn't work most of the time. Was why I was good at Doom though.
took the Zicam /coke clockwork orange evening trip, sometime after six. Woke up 20 minutes ago. Its now 1 am. I am ready for the day. Having said that, I woke up thirsty and drained the rest of my coke, so its a 50 / 50 shot as to how long I'm gonna last.

Currently listening :
Route de la Slack: Remixes & Rarities
By Swayzak
Release date: 2006-03-21

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Zicam of Oz

Current mood: foggy
Category: foggy Dreams and the Supernatural

Last night, floated a Zicam in a glass of coke. woke up at 3:30am after a deep sleep / coma. Dunno whats in Zicam, I do know it keeps you asleep and that, unlike other sleep drugs, you do not wake up driving your car, or in a room full of people you don't know. Unless it puts you back to bed, so you don't find out. that would be cool.
Fell asleep listening to UNCUT magazines. Interstellar Overdrive CD of 15 new psychedelic classics. If you are going to la, la land whacked out on cold drugs, this is the perfect soundtrack.

Currently listening :
Interstellar Overdrive
By Pink Floyd
Release date: 2002-04-15

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Snotty, grotty,achy, shite

Current mood: crapwank
Category: crapwank Dreams and the Supernatural

Flu. A never ending flow of snot, every sneeze a bone juddering horror. I sneezed earlier on, thought it was strong, then backed up, and attempted to blast a lung put though my nose at the wall opposite.
I you are in England I realise this American flu is junior school. The English version lasts at least a week, fires both ends, and is so virulent, there was talk of a pandemic back home. Bring England, no one else heard about it. We are far too polite to put our problems on others....
About to float the zicam evening drugs in a glass of coke. Medicine you mix with pop? Genius!

Currently watching :
NFL Greatest Games: New England Patriots Greatest Games
Release date: 2009-01-13

Burning Questions / Answers.

Current mood: recumbent
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Are the women who fall for imprisoned killers cut from the same cloth as the women who fall in love with priests? Both sides want unavailable men that think in scary ways they don't understand. I realise that men fall for priests too. They usually get what they are looking for.
Does a religion get more pissed off and angry the longer a beard its followers have to wear?
Don't wait for death for tons of virgins. Go to college.
Was Jesus spanish /mexican? Clues are in the book. Builder. 12 mates. knocked about with a bird everyone thought was well slack. fisherman. Wine. Gang called The Apostles. Rode into town on a donkey. When they wrote about him, nobody could remember it the same way? Clues....

Currently listening :
Nothing's Shocking
By Jane's Addiction
Release date: 1990-10-25


Current mood: sleepy wakey
Category: sleepy wakey Life

Last play of the game, Ohio State lost to Texas. that cost Beth and me 2 pies. Great game though, and we will be eating a chunk of the bet we lost. currently in my two hour wake up to the day. Listen to tunes, drink coffee, smoke, think very hard about yoga, and 2 hours in, usually ready. Orphanage still clambering up the reverbnation comedy chart. Its great, no matter how the day goes, somewhere in the back of my mind I'm convinced I've achieved something.
Miglin now talking about learning guitar. Great idea. Guitar Hero has shown she has the moves of a rock chick. Lets get the playing flowing. of course it takes years to plug the patterns in, but she's determined. Cool. Think she just realised why musicians buy so much crap. might help to smooth the path of the arrival of the simmons electronic drum pad I ordered last week.....

Currently listening :
Nothing's Shocking
By Jane's Addiction
Release date: 1990-10-25

Monday, January 5, 2009

Guitar Hero rules once more.....

Current mood: rocktastic
Category: rocktastic Music

american Woman blares in my front room. Beth and Stewart stand in rock stance transfixed. The mainline reloaded. I think that this might be the best /most insidious game ever made. don't expect sense from either of them until tomorrow. Rock on....

Currently listening :
The Guess Who - Greatest Hits
By The Guess Who
Release date: 1999-02-23

cannabis pasta PI

Current mood: girthdefender

Yoga for MS began today at 4pm. I expect its great. Delayed lunch with Yury until wednesday because, "I'm going. I gotta go man. Its the best...." Got MS fatiguey-pass-outy. Decided a little pasta would make sure I made the class in one piece. Woke up in a chair in the front room. 5 minutes ago, the theme to Magnum PI blasting. Woke up convinced there was a mystery to solve and a moustache to grow.
Beth switched to Oprah, who is having a self loathing "Look at the size of me! episode." You are rich enough to have someone carry your gut Oprah. Forget the self-hating foodie. Stand, well lean, blue chip bag in hand, and say, "Stomach of cake, fat legs of pie. Get fucked you thin bastards....."

Currently listening :
All Meat No Filler: The Best of Fat Boys
By The Fat Boys
Release date: 1997-03-18

From SEVEN to brighter fields

Current mood: thoughtful
Category: Life

The head in the box scene before six in the morning needed settling. I flicked through the channels and ended up watching WC Fields and me with Rod Steiger. Some reviews say its mainly made up. As a portrait of someone who lived their life on their own terms, its a warm and funny film.
It appeals to me, as its all I try and do. I tried being a drunk, didn't work. I didn't have the stomach for the hangovers, I drink less now than I have since I was 18. I tried the chasm which is MS depression, keeps you in bed and unbearable for months at a time. Beth was always unbelievably patient, and I decided that life with her is way too much fun to waste.
Life is way too interesting to hide yourself away. i don't know of one person that has it easy, i know a lot that take a look at the shit coming at them, and decide to have a good time anyway. This is the link that joins my friends. They are very different people, with the capacity to stand, sometimes back to the wall with no way out, accept the world for what it is, smile, enjoy the good, and walk on regardless.

Monday, monday.

Current mood: groggy
Category: Life

its 5:30am. been up for an hour. Abbey looks up every now and again, shakes her head, and heads back to puppy dreamland. Coffeed up and oats doon. Choice for TV was the news or SEVEN. I chose SEVEN, it seemed less depressing for the early morn. I think my MS Yoga class restarts today. Would be good as I need to work the Xmas food binge out of my system. Also need a haircut/ tidy up. actually had a shave yesterday, as I caught a look of myself in the mirror, and thought a tramp had broken into the house....

Currently watching :
Seven (New Line Platinum Series)
Release date: 2000-12-19

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bust a move

Current mood: tired
Category: tiredjiggy Life

Today went to Easton, a shopping centre full of the lost, who have dressed up to buy shit they don't need and can't afford. Got stuff we actually needed and then had lunch in a mexican which was serviced by young girls who seemed to be dressed as strippers. Odd but fun. Good food.
Came back, passed out. Tammy came over and I was awake enough to go with her and Beth for dinner. Went to the Mohawk, very nice food, no stripper service. Mac and cheese perfect for an every tumbling death temp that shrouds us.Now back home watching Superstars of Dance.Michael Flately still has a job. They already dissed China . Not America, who owes them way too much money. India took a pasting too. These people do not understand the Eurovision voting rules. Do not piss off nuclear powers...

Dancing Queen

Current mood: waterlooed
Category: waterlooed Life

Beth, Stewart and me went arpund Tammy's this evening to drink and watch Mama Mia. People there, some who I'd met, but I didn't know any of them. Everyone there was cool. Got to watch room full of people slowly succumb to the power of ABBA. Ended up playing scenes with the lyrics on the bottom of the screen, everyone belting out some of the best tunes ever.
Left, dropped stewart home, picked up Wendys, and now watching Saturday Night Live, full. Really full.

Currently listening :
ABBA - Gold: Greatest Hits
Release date: 1993-09-21

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Modern Dictation iForce

Current mood: amused
Category: Music

You wake up. You are alone. You seem to be in one piece. You cannot pick up your jeans as they are full of last nights change shrapnel. They now have atomic weight. You were drinking in London. Coffee, cigarette? Start the day. Computer blinks at you
"Do you want to back up purchases now?" You check the list:
Barry Manilow
John Denver
Aled Jones
Renee and Renatta
Joe Dulchee
You have been drunken iTunes storing.
Then remember, you like these tunes. You are not sober yet.....

Currently listening :
Come to My Garden
By Minnie Riperton
Release date: 2002-03-26

dowdy’s tips 6. Read your manuals

Current mood: amused
Category: Life

I have a Zoom H4. used it as a field recorder, until I picked up the Zoom H2 which is smaller and just as good. H4 ignored, mothballed.. Setting up a studio in house, decided to read the instructions for the H4. Its a 4 track digital recorder? Built in effects? Pro line ins? Track bounce? Built in metronome and tuner? The greatest thing since sliced bread? Shit!!!!
Read your manuals.....
Also, listen to music and read the books you buy. Bought Maps ages ago. its great.

Currently listening :
We Can Create
By Maps
Release date: 2007-06-19

Sat morning waking down

Current mood: sleeptermined

Up, i think. Listening to radio 6, cos I couldn't get radio 5 to stream the football. Could have whacked on some Sherlock on Radio 7, but that is guaranteed coma."Ah, Holmes.." Out like a light 4 minutes in. Wake up knowing I've solved a mystery some posh bird was worried about. what mystery ? What bird ? That, is the mystery Watson...

Currently listening :
It’s Not Me, It’s You
By Lily Allen
Release date: 2009-02-10

Law and Order marathon

Current mood: iqidead
Category: iqied Life

Slumped in the front room, some miles into a Law and Order marathon. You know you've been watching Law and Order too long when you watch the clock. if you are 20 minutes out, whoever they have in custody, didn't do it. If you watch SVU a lot ( we do ), accept that it isn't gonna go well, and when it gets sorted out, if it does, its the best they can do in an evil world....
Marathon telly, the exercise routine of the deadened brain. Slip into a world that doesn't exist, to live issues they've made up, suffered by people that are not real. Duh! Duh!

Currently watching :
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit - The Sixth Year
Release date: 2008-04-01

Friday, January 2, 2009

Travel channel Genii

Current mood: cultured
Category: Food and Restaurants

The food network is superd. They have a knack of finding someone who loves food and other cultures and communicates really well. Can be a bit worrying, see the Pie doon blog about Adam on Man vs Food.
Today is Anthony Bourdain day. e travels the world immersing himself in the local culture, trying fascinating foods (sharks head soup? Weirdly I fancy trying it), half the time apologising for the problems that American military incursions have caused back in the day. There must be an episode in Iraq coming.
Every stop he has two good 'friends' who show him around. It is always two gorgeous women. Never said, but the subtext is always that he's knocking them both off, probably at the same time. Unlike Adam who is going to eat himself to death, Anthony, by his own admission is going out because he smokes, drinks and enjoys his food too much. Sounds familiar, though I don't have two birds in every port. We all have to go, may as well be a food munching, hard drinking, smoker, with a two's up in every port......

Currently listening :
By Portishead
Release date: 2008-04-29


Current mood: realistic
Category: realistic Life

Bailing out banks that fail, with no restrictions, to the tune of 700 billion and rising? Single biggest socialist/ crypto-facist act of any century.
2yr contract to get a phone? Under Russian 5 year plan model Communism/ anti-competitive.
Proper health care only available to the wealthy and connected? Fascism.
If you can get health care the illness wont kill you, the byzantium systematic fuck puddle will drown your hopes and kill you? Victorianism.
Don't help unionised industrys, as foreign money tells you not to? Fascism.
treat Gays and Lesbians as second class citizens not worthy of happiness? Anti- Christian / anti- intellectual / secretly gay and hating themselves republicanism.
Knowing all these things, shrugging and getting on with your day? midwesternism.
America has lots of problems, but the people are great, and I don't think I'd want to live anywhere else.
Finally. Sales going through the floor and the lovely Amazon? Capitalism.

Currently listening :
Forward March! Great American Marches
By US Army Band
Release date: 2005-05-03

Pie doon!

Current mood: impressed
Category: impressed Food and Restaurants

Watched a program called man vs food. its a tubby fella traveling america doing eating challenges on enormous, artery bursting dishes. He wanted a job on TV, thought I'm a fat bastard, I'll eat my way to stardom. i'm worried about him. He seems like a nice bloke, the restaurant people seem nice, but the question hovering at all times is, which episode will it be when the food demons call time and drop him stone dead into a deep fried chimichanga?
Until that day, scoff on my friend and may the artery gods be with you. Use the sauce......

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sham Wow, Slap Chop, Graty the future is now.

Current mood: floodyfootball
Category: floodyfootball Fashion, Style, Shopping

Its the same bloke advertising them all. The Sham Wow is so absorbent 2000 of them would have sorted out hurricane Katrina. the Slap Chop de-skins and shreds at the atomic level. The Graty produces Jesus cheese at the push of a celestial button. The bloke selling this is a genius, I want these products, then commonsense kicks in, then the tunes start plying in my head again. !9:95. Nest 20 minutes? Double the order for price of one. Wow. A munificent god figure of stuff!
If this ad is not in England, it is worth moving here to see it.
Watching a film called Flood, with Robert Carlyle and David Suchet, about London getting wiped out when the thames barrier gives way in a storm. Its a well presented piece of crap. Now waiting for Bluewater shopping centre to get wiped out.
"You only shop when you're swimming
Shop when you're swimming
You only shop when you're swimming."
Flicking between the Chelsea/ Fulham game and the film....

Currently watching :
Release date: 2008-09-16

Tick tock

Current mood: Vanwinkled
Category: Vanwinkled Dreams and the Supernatural

Listening to tunes sprawled on the bed. I am convinced that I am preparing for something.
Wonder how Rip van winkle felt when he woke up? All his friends dead. Grey bearded, wizened old man, youth torched by time. Done nothing with a life so nearly over. He was well rested though.....

Currently listening :
Surrealistic Pillow
By Jefferson Airplane
Release date: 2003-08-19

thoughts in the day solution

Current mood: religichievious
Category: religichievious Religion and Philosophy

There is a massive priest shortage. Fix? Any time you nick (arrest) a pedophile, frock him.
Shouldn't be short-handed for long....

Currently listening :
John Rutter Collection
By Rutter
Release date: 2002-11-12

2009 motherf****r

Current mood: honestish

Asked by Stewart yesterday, "What's your resolutions for the new year?"
I said, "World conquest."
Sitting now, at little hungover, getting ready to surge in a day filled with napping, I realise I may have been a little drunker than I thought.
So proper resolutions.
Jon said to me yesterday I write about eating constantly on the blog. I see this as a good thing, if anything I will do it more. Pizza at Amy and Seth's party was from a pizza place called the Cottage Inn. Excellent, though Amy being pregnant now can't stand the barbeque pizza. Big fan of ketchup though...
this morning had coffee and some biscuits that Stewart bought from a party at his mates house. JB, your confectionary is superb.
Dave in monticello, who gave us a bag of home made candy. Oh my God! Wow!
I write about food for 2 reasons.
1. I love eating.
2. The midwest is full of great food, and people who really push the boat out when they make their own stuff.
No proper babby's though.....
Resolution 2
Work my arse off.
Resolution 3
Please go to the gym. Actually exercise, instead of the whirlpool. sauna, steam room swap which I often kid myself is a work out.
Goto pictures more
Get things in order.
Don't start writing until I have a hint of designa
use history degree for something (see 7)
Stop pretending Im watching things because I think they are funny, see DVD below......

Currently watching :
Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation DVD
Release date: 2004-

hmmm... 2009

Current mood: mischievous
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

3 parties are taking their toll. I was gonna write something meaningful, about hopes and dreams and how we can make the world a better place this year. All I can actually think is, 2009, 3 years ahead of the mayan appocalypse. Smoke em if you got em.....

Currently watching :
Talk to Me (Widescreen Edition)
Release date: 2007-10-30