Thursday, August 4, 2016


I knew when I decided to wake up and go walking every morning that there would come a day where I thought "Fuck this!" That morning was this morning. I hoofed out of the door at 545 in order to beat the earth burning. I hadn't calculated the humidity, which was brutal. I hadn't fully accounted for how urban a walk I was taking, and got to meet a nice bloke, who did his spiel, and then tried to hit me up for some cash. I wasn't carrying any, so he wandered off. I saw the nice police cyclist again, who now wished me a cheery good morning, and took me off of his potential early morning criminal list. It was going great.
Then I hit mile 2 and I felt every step of it until I got home. This is the point where you can say "fuck that!" However, this time I have decided that I'll go with it. 2 and a half miles in killer humidity, I  came home looking like id been in the bath. So today is indeed  a fuck it day. I've decided fuck it, I'm going to do it anyway.

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