Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Early Tuesday

Abbey, a dog whose stomach has no sense of time, woke me up at 4am. I, who find it impossible to fall back asleep once woken, rose. We started our daily ritual,
"No, breakfast isn't until 6. Stop staring at your bowl, you are making me hungry."
I open the kitchen door, and she wanders outside for a sniff around. This part of the ritual gets more difficult as the year heads towards the cold. Bored,  she wanders back inside, and goes back to sleep. Bugger!
I'm now up., and put the coffee on. I then drink way too much of it, 3 mugs. I remember that I'm off to the doctors this afternoon. If I have no coffee, my blood pressure is nigh on perfect. anything beyond one cup, the numbers start looking somewhat fatal. 3 mugs. Bollocks! I shall now drink a lot of water, in a vain attempt to thin the caffeine out.
Awake! i listen to the Danny Baker show from Saturday, and briefly believe that it is Friday. No, I don't know why I thought that either. Coffee rolls on,  as the water attempts to reign it in.
Download the Independent to my Kindle. I download a paper from England most days, and the New York Times, if I haven't bought it in the shops, on a Sunday. The Independent is the paper from England I download the most. The Guardian is free online, the Times is alright, and The Telegraph is reserved for the days where I'm grumpy enough to be slightly right wing.
I always look for books, art and films I'd be interested in. Today, it was an art exhibition at the John Martin gallery in London:
Eugenie Vronskaya  - The Night Walker, which is on until Nov. 21st.
If you get the chance, go and see it, I sat looking at her paintings online, beautiful.
6am. Abbey fed, then back to sleep.
Coffee rumbles on, water rambles in. Morning.

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