Friday, August 21, 2015


I usually use in ear headphones. Last week i decided to use the amazon vouchers I got for my birthday, to get myself a really good pair of on ear headphones. They came today, a pair of Sennheiser Momentum. I sat looking for music to test them with, and settled on the new Apex Twin  album. I know they will take a while to burn in, but they sound good to me.
I have always been obsessed with music. I can calculate how bad my MS is by how long it has been since I have listened to music, and how long it has been since I've played my guitar. All these things are currently ticking along quite nicely. I'm  listening to a lot of comedy and reading all the time, really good signs that my MS, pig that it is, is not currently dulling the creative corners of my brain.
Part of my love for comedy and music, is that I can enjoy them, and then take them apart in my mind, and figure out how they are done. The Aphex Twin is great for this, as the beats never fall quite where you are expecting them. I don't have quite the same facility with reading, though I can detect pace and flow in writing.
I feel very lucky that these are my obsessions. If it was drugs, I'd have been dead years ago.

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