Saturday, May 30, 2015


We are surrounded by stuff. We are given every reason to stop thinking. Why ask questions when everything is so immediate, and easy? Why is it acceptable for some obvious criminals, bankers at the moment, to walk as if nothing has happened, whilst peoples lives and dreams drown in their wake of gutless greed?
Why are ideas  reduced to nothing,  whilst trying to please people who do not like when others do not live in their land of pretend? Why are cartoons a death sentence?
I think its because when bullshit is allowed to fester, it builds a huge tower of truth from lies. I think we are not going to go down too well in the history books. Its difficult to see when you are in it,  and everyone would much rather do something else, and keep the party going. What happens when the music stops? It will be uncomfortable and ugly.  Then, we can clear up the crap, and try again. Meanwhile, enjoy the tunes.

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