Tuesday, April 28, 2015


"This is for Simon. Call us, we have news about your blood test results."
Ah. This is the sort of call that makes me stop what I'm are doing, and prepare for what I know could be abysmal news. She seemed very keen that I phoned her back. Oh. Then the house phone started ringing. She is super been that I speak to her. Bugger. I pick up the phone.
"May I speak to Simon?"
"Good news, your blood test came back negative, You're fine."
"Cheers, I figured this was the awful call I'd been waiting for.Thank you."
"Have a lovely day."
"I will, you too."
I have these calls every few months,  it always surprises me how deep a breath I was holding, before I got the news.
Outside of that everything is cool. I'm listening to The Avalanches and tip tappng away.

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