I’m tip tapping away, having ignored the would as best I could, for a week. Actually I’ve been pulling back for a while now. At least I think I have. MS makes it difficult to tell. I did drop my number one ranking on the local comedy chart, which I thought was fair enough. I can’t remember the last time I put anything up, or even looked at it. The difficultly with MS is not knowing precisely why something is happening. Why is David Icke on, having spent the last few days going through a myriad of online documentaries?Is it just so something is happening in the background?
Hang on. Beth and I went to Mexico, which I really like. Going anywhere two years in a row, outside of going back to England, is unusual for me. What is really unusual is that I found so much more I liked about Mexico this time, having loved it the first time.
Whats difficult is that I seem to have reached a point with MS where I’m not entirely sure what to do. I know I’ve been lucky, having not moved to primary progressive, with my dangerous monthly infusion still working out, and my odds of the awful remaining good I think its that it has gone on for a few years, and that my only my options are stop and do something else, because I know have to, or miss the warning, which has always been the risk.
Read what back, seems a bit whinny. Fuck it, I know what it is. There is a huge difference between bing told you have no way out, and knowing it for sure. Thats it, it made me stop for a while. If I stop, it then occurs to me, whats the point in that? Waiting for everything to pass, is not going to make any difference. It isn’t going any where.
I think Ive written like this before, doing what most with MS do, not writing down the very worst bits, which all of us tend to leave out.
So, Mexico great, Game of Thrones great, documentaries online, a bit odd, but entertaining, and David Icke, hmm…