Thursday, August 28, 2014


When I tell people how long I've had MS, 22 years, they always look sideways at me.
 is the spluttered line I've heard a lot, from friends and medical professionals. To be honest, not really. Its been going on for more than 25 years, 22 is when I found out.
You are only supposed to take the Tysabri infusion for 2 years, before it gets too dangerous, and you have to find something else. My next infusion will make it 27 months. I have been diagnosed once with the JC virus, which should have been an automatic stop. But, the next two blood draws, came back negative.
Wha'….? Their eyes seem to say. My odds dropped a long way, 7000, but I'm still less than 1 in 3000 from doom. They are a little confused, and somewhat baffled. I'm quite happy to be odd.

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