Sunday, January 10, 2010


I downloaded the Muse album this morning. if you don't have it, get it. This album represents what all us arty fuckers are trying to do. Present the work you have at the highest level you can achieve, and clip what we all dream of. Total flow. The moment when you bypass the conscious mind and engage the emotional core. When everything you've learned and trained for lock together, and the impossible seems effortless.
Anyone who considers themselves an artist dreams of this moment, though you don't know exactly what is , until, usually by accident, it happens. When it happens its amazing, Then you realise its your responsibility to aim for it every time you work from that day forth. Cool
No matter what you do, if you think its art, and are prepared to stand behind it, you are an artist Not everyone will like what you do, but some people will love it. This is why its your life's work.
    Currently listening:
The Resistance
By Muse
Release date: 2009-09-15

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