We are now a little way into the new century. We have learned absolutely nothing, and are repeating every mistake we ever made. The difference now, is that we live live in a vast technological soup, where we can fill our ladles with electronic shite, and drown our sorrows for a time, whilst we do very little.
Actually, there is a lot of good coming out of the soup. The problem is, that its coming at us so fast that the old us can’t keep up, and heads back to playing games, and marveling at good cats and dogs are on camera. It has always been this way. The printing press took a while to gain a foothold, porn first, ideas later. Sex and ideas are always seen as dangerous, and are suppressed, until it becomes obvious that they may not have been that bad after all. There are always those who like to close their minds, and live in in a bubble of bollocks. The problem has always been the same, they insist that you have to live there too, or die.
This shall pass, with a few decades of post bullshit review, when we all get to shrug our shoulders and say, “what the fuck was all that about?” Years will pass, someone will remember why they are really upset about something that hasn’t happened yet, and bubble bollocks will resume. Enjoy the good bits. Aren’t those cats and dogs clever?!